View Full Version : A special Tirumala gautama?

23-Mar-2019, 11:20 AM
Hello everyone,

I was take a screenshot from Tirumala. From first look, I think it it Tirumala gautama because it has a streak in middle of hindwing, but when checking forewing, I do not see the long streak in wing border. So I wonder is it really T.gautama or another one?

Following is image of that specimen:
Tirumala gautama (http://vmpic.science4you.org/images/preview/vietbuom/S488615_2400x1800.jpg)

Thank you for your help,

23-Mar-2019, 04:11 PM
It is Tirumala limniace.

All 3 Tirumala have different shaped spots.

T.septentrionis; Forewing cellend spot shaped like a distorted saxophone.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dark_Blue_Tiger_(Tirumala_septentrionis)_in_T alakona_forest,_AP_W_IMG_8447.jpg

T. limniace; Forewing cellend spot fatter, like a distorted vase; Hindwing pale area marked by a cross.

T. gautama; Forewing cellend spot consist of three parallel bars.
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:IMG4171_Myanmar_Rakhine_State_Tirumala_Gautam a_Gautama_male_Sittw%C3%A9_(7176117188).jpg

TL Seow: Cheers.

23-Mar-2019, 04:56 PM
Dear Mr Seow,

Thank you for your identify. But I still concern, when I research it a deep more, I found some other sources:

- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TirumalaGautamoidesF_6_2a.jpg
From this one, I see T.gautama can has 2 bar in forewing as well

- Also, from this one: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/19210305 - people was decided the named based on the hindwing only.

I really not sure what is correct, hope that you can help me clarify,

Thank you for your time,

23-Mar-2019, 05:54 PM
Tirumala gautama gautamoides is the subspecies found in the Nicobar Islands.
The spots do varies from palce to place .
It is also very hard to explain the shape & position of the spots without using technical terms.

Since you are in Vietnam there is a wonderful website dedicated to the region.

The three species in your regions are below. You can compare all the spots in both forewing & hindwing.

The species in the link is correct as T. gautama. The forewing is hidden so reliance is on the hindwing spots.

T. gautama . All 4 basal spots in space 4, 5, 6, & 7 (ie. just outside the HW cell)about equally long.

T. limniace ;Basal spots in space 4, 5, & 7 equally long, but that in space 6 short, rounded.

T. septentrionis; Similar to T. limniace but all the spots narrow.

TL Seow: Cheers.

23-Mar-2019, 06:10 PM
Yeah, you're right, I'm now clear about that. Thank you very much