View Full Version : ID help please

16-Sep-2020, 10:43 PM
Hi Dr Seow,

Request ID help- sighted at Dairy Farm Nature Park, Singapore.

1.Bamboo Paint Brush (Baoris farii farii)?
2. Malay staff Sergeant (athyma reta moorei)or colour Sergeant ( athyma nefte subrata)?
3. lesser dart or Large dart ( omaha or serina) ?


16-Sep-2020, 11:26 PM
1. Female Baoris farri .
B. farri typically have full spotting so often 3 subapical spots.
Also lighter brown than the female B. oceia.

2. Female of A. nefte.

The cell end triangular spot in A. reta female is large ,nearly detached, & without a dip on the upper margin.

The same spot in A. nefte is narrow with a strong dip/depression & continuous with the cell bar.

3. Telicota besta male.
There is a patch of orange at the base of space 2 that is seen only in the males of T. colon, besta & augias.
The shape & colour of the FW band is that of T. besta.

TL Seow: Cheers.

16-Sep-2020, 11:36 PM
Thanks Dr Seow. Appreciate the ID and the pointers.