View Full Version : Help with a Tajuria species from Khao Yai

16-Oct-2020, 01:16 PM
This pair was photographed in Khao Yai, e. Thailand in April.
The extensive blue on the forewing, the general colouration, and the curved discal line on the forewing lead me to believe that this should be T. isaeus. And it matches images on the web.

Subspecies verna is known from several locations in southern Thailand, and subspecies tyro is listed historically for northern/eastern Thailand (though no recent records, and is not listed for Thailand by Yutaka).

Confirmation or correction of the ID appreciated please. With thanks.



16-Oct-2020, 06:10 PM
Agreed it is Tajuria isaeus verna.

The male from Ranong matches it very well.
The FW upperside black border tapers of just before the tornus which is filled by the greenish blue scales.
The UnF postdiscal line is situated nearer the cellend , running parallel to the outer margin.

TL Seow: Cheers.

16-Oct-2020, 08:18 PM
Many thanks for the confirmation. This is probably the first documented sighting from Thailand outside of the peninsula.