View Full Version : ID Needed for Bush Brown

Blue Nawab
23-Oct-2020, 11:58 PM
Dear Dr Seow, please help with the Bush Brown ID for a member. Is this Dark Brand Bush Brown (Mycalesis mineus macromalayana)? Thanks!

24-Oct-2020, 02:57 AM
Yes, it is Mycalesis mineus macromalayana.

M. mineus.
White striae around the eyespots thin & narrow.
HW inner margins of eyespots form a sharply triangular indentaion from the white band in the upper half.
Lower 4 eyespots in line.

M. perseus.
White striae around the eyespots thin & narrow.
HW inner margins of eyespots form a wide bowl-shaped indentation from the white band.
Lower 4 spots strongly out of line.
FW spots often arranged in an arc.

M. visala.
White striae around eyespots enhanced, thicken.
HW inner margins of eyespots form a more regular indentation.
HW dark discal line less irregular .

M. perseoides.
White striae around the eyespots enhanced.
HW inner margins of eyespots form a rather jagged ,irregular indention.
HW dark discal line irregular with several teeth, in particular often a prominent one at vein 1b.

TL Seow; Cheers.