View Full Version : Comments on a Rapala sp. from n Thailand

30-Nov-2020, 10:39 PM
I photographed this species at 1,200 m, in nw Thailand last week. This was the only shot I was able to obtain, so it's most unlikely this can be identified to species. However, it looks like no other Rapala I have photographed in Thailand.

From reviewing my other Rapala images, available literature and images on the web, I think this can be narrowed down to one of three species: damona, dieneces or rectivitta. All are uncommon but possible in northern Thailand. Three things strike me as unusual in this image:

1. The very prominent golden rim/edge to the upper side of both wings.
2. The rather distinct sub-marginal band (quite "blocky") (images of rectivitta show this).
3. The very straight forewing discal band.

I would be interested in comments on species which might show these features.

With thanks.


30-Nov-2020, 10:59 PM
R. nissa in my opinion.

01-Dec-2020, 03:49 PM
Many thanks for that suggestion. Indeed that would also match. I've not seen nissa in Thailand previously with such a deep colouration, but I am aware that can be variable.

01-Dec-2020, 10:10 PM
Agreed it is Rapala nissa.

R. rectivitta ;Upperside male with a blue shot.
UnH band straight , without any break or fracture from vein 2 to the costa (upper margin).(rectivitta = straight band).

R. nissa. Upperside male without blue shot, but may be greyish-blue.
UnH band ( often thin) slightly irregular, & often dislocated at vein 3.

R. damona ;FW band always distinctly curved in to the costa.
UnH band with at least one dislocation.

R. dieneces. FW band straight or slightly curved.
UnH band irregular with several dislocations.

TL Seow: Cheers.

01-Dec-2020, 10:50 PM
Many thanks for the confirmation.