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View Full Version : Spindasis spp

08-Jun-2021, 12:38 AM
Greetings from Bhutan!!!

I took this butterfly at an elevation of 1200metres la , can this be Spindasis nipalicus la.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51231685203_5ca36e55c2_w.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2m4aM8i)Spindasis spp (https://flic.kr/p/2m4aM8i) by Tshulthrim Tshulthrim (https://www.flickr.com/photos/190131380@N08/), on Flickr

08-Jun-2021, 01:01 AM
Spindasis ictis. Correction : S. nipalicus.

Three species are very similar.

S. nipalicus ;The two short FW postdiscal bars form a 'V' .

S. rukmini.The two short bars are parallel to each other.

S. ictis; The two short bars converge but do not meet.

TL Seow: Cheers.

08-Jun-2021, 01:07 AM
Thank you so much Dr Seow��

09-Jun-2021, 08:36 PM
Greetings from Bhutan la!!!

I was confused here after someone posted that this species can be different species, can you reconfirm la Dr Seow la.

https://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthreatenedtaxa.org%2Findex.p hp%2FJoTT%2Farticle%2Fview%2F2243%2F3849%3Ffbclid% 3DIwAR3dtcZwm_hi_gZYSH-jvQ2lOukb3Rc1JUKB3G6DgE2nx30zQah6-uYy6NI&h=AT151vTvJlOX0hi2lnqqoBoXfWPDYsOPqPlvZI-4vMV_mPzHnwmteMNG5d8McnE1dUKRRzBvCmEsTaZ7SOiO0Nhw9 onV5wLqVtz00JtVSXygfH31wYP9pgc4FVjZwo6JbFyH mo

09-Jun-2021, 11:24 PM
Correction: Spindasis nipalicus.

Oops here.

I could not assess the website of Butterflies of India properly.
It took a long time just to get one image for each species.
Basing the ID on one image cause a lot of errors.

Now that I can see all the images properly it is not ictis in which the bands are a darker tone.

S. nipalicus bands light thinly outlined in black. FW & HW basal spot light.

S. zhengweilie ;FW & HW basal spot & bar largely black.

TL Seow: Cheers.

10-Jun-2021, 11:56 AM
Thank you much Dr Seow for reconfirmation for this species la��,I was told that S. Zhengweilie is also recorded in Bhutan as well so was excited to add my lifer la��