View Full Version : Two Jamides from s Thailand for comment
11-Jul-2022, 12:24 PM
These two (differnt individuals) Jamides were photographed at Bang Lang NP on the Thai-Malay border. Both were inside heavy lowland forest.
I have identified them as Jamides malaccanus based on the heavy line width and parallel continuous basal lines on the hindwing.
However the ID of the first image been questioned as to why it is not Jamides zebra due to the scalloped edge of one of the forewing discal lines.
I would appreciate some comment on the IDs please.
Many thanks.
Image 1.
Image 2.
11-Jul-2022, 07:40 PM
Both are Jamides malaccanus, although the 1st have slight aberration.
The members of the celeno group may be IDed thus.
FW with the postdiscal band entire & not dislocated.
The HW white striae may be counted from the base outwards.
A. HW all six white striae more or less aligned & reaching the costa (upper margin).
A1. Jamides malaccanus.
FW submarginal spot 2 margins barely rounded.
HW orange crown merged with the white stria on the inside.
A2. Jamides parasaturatus.
FW submarginal spot margins lightly rounded..
HW orange crown separated from the inner white stria by a dark line.
b, HW stria 4 from base short & not reaching the costa.
B1. Jamides celeno.
All striae with relatively straight margins.
HW striae 5 & 6 in space 4 & 5 aligned with the striae above them in space 6 & 7.
Silvery side bars of black spot often short or absent.
B2. Jamides pura.
FW submarginal spot 2 margins slightly rounded..
HW striae 5 & 6 in space 4 & 5 aligned withthose in space 6 & 7 (as in celeno.)
HW silvery side bars of black spot often long.
B3 Jamides zebra.
FW outer margin of postdiscal band often noticeably rounded..
HW white striae 5 & 6 in space 4 & 5 always out of line with the same striae above in space 6 & 7.
TL Seow: Cheers.
11-Jul-2022, 09:50 PM
Many thanks for the confirmation
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