View Full Version : Bintan 2023

18-Mar-2023, 11:08 AM
The past 5 days i had the opportunity to visit bintan to do some social work, and needless to say i sneak out every opportunity i can to shoot butterfly. The habitat visited are all farmland akin those in malaysia, and there arent forest nearby, limiting some opportunity for the forest species. However, i manage to get some interesting characters around the villages of maju jaya and bumi indah. Not sure if google pin is even accurate.

1 - Erionota torus?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/151406843
The amount of farmland dedicated to farming bananas is beyond quantity of measures. Everywhere was littered with various banana trees, and needless to say this was one of the species i want to see if i can find in the wild, which i did. The colouration start to make a lot of sense when it is resting in the dead banana foliage. The locals at bintan do not eradicate erionota caterpillar, which was a bit surprising for me since its considered as a pest in india. The village at maju jaya was mostly farmland, with no shrubland nearby of any form

2 - Ideopsis similis?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/151404782
There werent a lot of tigers, but one of it randomly appeared in the village i stayed in at bumi indah, which is a little close to a secondary forest. None of the tigers landed, but this one landed just for a second, which i quickly snap in awe. Looking at the spots which arent elongated led me to believe this is I.similis

3 -Euthalia aconthea?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/151404800
There wasnt a lot of mango trees at the village i stayed, and was surprise to see a pristine one

4 - Eurema sari?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/151404786
There was also way lesser grass yellow than i expected, and this one puddled around a local septic tank, which was simply a toilet that is a "hole in the ground, reinforce by concrete rings"

5 -Hypolycaena erylus?
inat link - https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/151406847
Beyond shooing range and i was press for time - a quick shot before i went back to work

Skipping regards

18-Mar-2023, 05:23 PM
The butterflies are as you have IDed.

1. Female Erionota torus; FW margin convex.

2. Female Ideopsis similis.
This is a continental species & it seem to have made its way past Singapore.

3.Female Euthalia aconthea.
The FW markings are as for E. aconthea.

4. Eurema sari.
The solid brown quadrate apical patch with a tooth on the lower margin is characteristic.

5. Hypolycaena erylus female.

Female H. thecloides.
Apart from the extra bar in HW space 7, the orange is more extensive on the FW apex & HW black spot

TL Seow: CHeers.