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View Full Version : An atypical Neptis from n Thailand

19-Jul-2023, 06:40 PM
I'd be interesed in comments on the ID of this Neptis from Omkoi, nw Thailand please.
My feeling is that it should be either Neptis clinia or N. sappho, but it does not look like typical examples of either.
Photographed in dry forest at 1,000 metres.
Many thanks.


19-Jul-2023, 08:30 PM
Female Neptis hylas kamarupa. intermediate form.

The fracture mark on the FW cell-bar is typical of three species, Neptis hylas, sappho & Phaedyma columella.

P. columella is dismissed at once by its irregular FW spots placement.

Neptis sappho.
The fracture line on the cell bar is less marked.
The FW 4 main(postdiscal) spots are rounded.
The HW white discal band have a more regular & smooth lower margin.

Neotis hylas kamarupa.
The fracture mark on the cell bar is stronger.
The FW 4 postdiscal spots are wider ie more oblong or ovate.
HW discal white band's lower margin more irregular, often with a small white spot at the base of space 3.

This female resembles the male from Chantaburi.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Neptis_hylas_kamarupa_%28Moore%2C1874%29_The_Commo n_Sailor_%2822659674437%29.jpg

TL Seow: Cheers.

19-Jul-2023, 10:13 PM
Many thanks for that. I would never have thought of Neptis hylas as I am used to them being far more obviuos. Not seen this fomr before. Interesting. Thanks.