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View Full Version : ID request - Fraser's Hill - July 24, 2023

SL Liew
26-Jul-2023, 12:53 AM
Hi Dr. Seow,
I visited Fraser's Hill yesterday. Sorry these are faraway, blurry and often single view only and so may not be identifiable based on photos. I have put my best guess but could be totally wrong. Thanks. From Penang island, SL Liew

1. Arhopala kinabala?

2. Chersonesia risa?

3. Atrophaneur sycorax? I can't think of any other species.

4. Cupitha purreea?

5. Hypolimnas bolina? Moth species?

6. Lycaenidae (upperside photo only)

26-Jul-2023, 02:23 AM
1. Arhopala kinabala.
Scalloped HW margin.

2. Chersonesia rahria.
FW apex have a curved cross line.

3. Female Atrophaneura nox erebus.

4.Cupitha purreea.

5. Unknown Probably moth.

6. Female unknown.

TLSeow: Cheers.

SL Liew
26-Jul-2023, 02:28 AM
Thanks Dr. Seow for all the id. Appreciate it very much

26-Jul-2023, 06:56 AM
6. Female Iraota rochana.

This is the only female which is totally brown & unmarked.

TL Seow: Cheers.

26-Jul-2023, 05:29 PM

5. Male Athyma selenophora.


This an unusual shot taken up against the sky.
This exposed the partially translucent white markings but everything else is black.
Where the FW & HW overlap no light shines through.
This means on the FW only the upper end of the band is illuminated creating a round spot.
On The HW only the lower half of the band is lighted creating a short bar.
The HW postdiscal series of spots is variable.

That a level shot of the wings is possible is only because the butterfly flies in a slow semi-glide with short wingbeats.
Most other species will be rendered an unrecognizable blur.

TL Seow: Cheers.

SL Liew
26-Jul-2023, 09:03 PM
Thanks Dr. Seow for the extra id and detailed explanations. Appreciate it very much

4. A number of my fellow Malaysia butterfly enthusiasts in iNaturalist disagreed that my observation is Wax Dart. They say it looks more like a Pieridae. May be my photo with angle taken is not too helpful in id. Can please share any tips on this id. Thanks.

New Addition:
7. Is this Cepora nadina andersoni?

26-Jul-2023, 10:53 PM
"4. A number of my fellow Malaysia butterfly enthusiasts in iNaturalist disagreed that my observation is Wax Dart. They say it looks more like a Pieridae. May be my photo with angle taken is not too helpful in id. Can please share any tips on this id. Thanks."

I would have thought you already know if it is a skipper or not.
Cupitha purreea is a small skipper that zip about in the bush.
https://static.wixstatic.com/media/76ae5c_8aa8bb72ceb94c199e8737d5cbb4b827~mv2_d_4312 _3488_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_552,h_432,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/76ae5c_8aa8bb72ceb94c199e8737d5cbb4b827~mv2_d_4312 _3488_s_4_2.jpg

Any of the Pierid would have been 3 times larger & fly in a fast & erratic manner.
However I cant find any match & there is perspective distortion.

The other pic is C. nadina.

TL Seow: Cheers
PS. 4 is a worn female Saletara panda.

SL Liew
27-Jul-2023, 12:46 AM
Thanks again Dr.Seow.

It was my mistake to place under a skipper after at first being unable to find a match in C&P5 for a Pieridae. I still have much to learn.