View Full Version : Identification of Tagiades waterstradti

30-Sep-2023, 11:41 AM
Two images are attached.
Both were photographed in s Thialand on the Malaysia border.
T. ultra is relatively common in the area.
T. waterstradti is scarce in the area.
I think the first image is likely T. waterstradti, but I am unfamilair with the taxon.

The grouping of the spots on the forewing into groups of 5 and 2 seem to initially indicate T. waterstradti for both these images.
But I think the spots on the hindwing are too large in the second image, so I think second image is T. ultra.

Comparing the first image to the few images of T. waterstradti I can find in the literature and web, indicates the smaller spots in the hindwing, as well and the general layout of the spots in image 1 seem to match T. waterstradti.
I also note that the forewings on image 1 appear shorter and more rounded than on image 2. A differntiating feature?

However, I find an image of female T. ultra on Yutaka's website that has groups of 5 and 2 spots in the forewing. Though hindwing spots are still larg(ish) and evenly sized.
This creates confusion.

One thing I did notice about the individual in image 1, was its small size.

Is waterstradti smaller than ultra? I can find no size measurements anywhere.
Feedback appreciated please.

Image 1.

Image 2.

30-Sep-2023, 07:11 PM
Image 1.Tagiades waterstradti female.

Image 2 ;Male Tagiades ultra.

Three species can be rather similar & confusing.

FW apex with a series of five spots, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8.
There are two spots which are often mistaken as a double cellspots.
They are actually costal spot 11 & the upper cellspot.

A lower cellspot may be present especially in the female but is nondiagnostic.

Tagiades vajuna. FW 19-22mm.
FW with a spot 3 (ie in space 3) but sometimes absent in dsf.
HW white patch large, the marginal spots slightly decreasing in size upwards.
Note female with extra spots ie. lower cellspots & spots 2 & 3.

Tagiades ultra. FW 19mm.
Similar to T. vajuna but FW always without a spot 3.
HW spot 2 may be more noticeably doubled but this can be subjective.
A lower FW cellspot is present (non-diagnostic).

Tagiades waterstradti. FW 18mm.
FW without a spot 3 (except sometimes in the female.)
HW white area relatively small & marginal spot 1b is 3-4 X that of the other spots.

TL Seow: Cheers.

01-Oct-2023, 01:28 PM
Many thanks for the details and confirming my initial thoughts.