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View Full Version : Arhopala from N Thailand

15-Jan-2024, 04:59 PM
This was photographed at Omkoi, nw Thailand, 12 Jan 24, at 1,100 m in dry forest.
I am pretty familiar with most of the Arhopala species in the north, but this one does not seem to match any I know.
Any suggestions most welcome please.
Many thanks


16-Jan-2024, 09:26 PM
Female Arhopala agrata.

The FW postdiscal band is slightly dislocated at vein 4.
HW postdiscal spot 7 atop spot 6 which is rather large with straight margins.
HW postdiscal band completely dislocated at vein 2.
The markings suggest the cleander group (cleander , alea & agrata subgroups).

The FW topmost spot 9 is obscure ,almost obsolete & this is a feature of A. agrata.

TL Seow: Cheers.

17-Jan-2024, 12:24 PM
Many thanks. Yes, indeed looks very good match.