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View Full Version : Odd Arhopala from n Thailand

07-Mar-2024, 09:02 PM
This was photographed at Omkoi, nw Thailand on 6 Mar 24, in primary forest at 1,350 m. My initial thoughts are that this should be Arhopala paralea.
However, there is a spot completely missing mid way along the hindwing costa. So I assume my thoughts are incorrect.
I cannot place this species.
Comments and ideas welcome please.
Many thanks.


07-Mar-2024, 10:16 PM
I think you got this right.
This is Arhopala paralea. Correction: Arhopala rama.

The missing HW costal spot is just an aberration.

The salient features are.
FW postdiscal band in space 2 3 no wider than those above spot.
You have all the posdiscal spots visible ie from bottom, spot 2, 3, partial dislocation at vein 4, spot 4, 5, 6,& a tiny spot 9.
costal spot in space 10 may/may not be present.
HW postdiscal spot 6 sinuous or concave on its outer margin.
HW without tornal green scales.

This belong to the rama group.
A. rama looks very similar but the spots are more irregular & the tails are stiff & straight.

There seem to be several misIDs on the web.

TL Cheers.

07-Mar-2024, 10:41 PM
Many thanks for the confirmation.

07-Mar-2024, 10:53 PM
Many thanks for the confirmation.

The features i quote come from the key of C&p4 for A. paralea.
A. rama is not found in P. Malaysia.

Now looking at pix of A. rama this look suspiciously like it.

Pix of A paralea in Yutaka look different.
In particular HW spot 6 is not sinuous or concave on its outer margin.

This need further investigation.

TL Seow:Cheers

07-Mar-2024, 11:24 PM
I checked the two images of A. paralea in C&P4 carefully.
HW spot 6 is rather blocky in shape.
It is rather sinuous in A. rama.

This should be A. rama.
The tails of both species are stiff.

TLSeow: Cheers.