View Full Version : Welcome to the Butt Flu Gang!
20-May-2004, 02:47 PM
Welcome to the new pioneer members aka FujiS2, Macross, Skyflash, Zookeeper, Jason, evc, xdivider. zenon and Bob Cheong from ClubSnap.
This is your new butt-friendly world now, so please come in and do all your butt postings and discussions here. We will work on how we want to improve the site with sightings database, species folder and so on.
Please feel free to browse around and give your suggestions on how to spread the butt flu further! :D
Hmm... we really MUST get more smilies here...
Sky Blue
20-May-2004, 04:05 PM
Great to hv a butts website just for butts flu victims. But I'm not sure will this offence the CS policies :( like the earlier incidents of digipho...
Actually I hope to see a photos oriented website, like collection of members photo, sort it by species, to hv a number of good photos in that species & provide butts information just like master's website.
Green Baron
20-May-2004, 05:33 PM
First, thanks for coming here. Note that this is a test forum for us to play with the design. Once we think we have the design/layout/subforums we want, we will start a new live forum/database.
Great to hv a butts website just for butts flu victims. But I'm not sure will this offence the CS policies :( like the earlier incidents of digipho...
Our intention is not to 'curi' you guys from CS. CS is a great place to share photos and shooting technique. I expect you guys to continue to post your photos there. This site is targeted for butts lover. We anticipate people coming here to ask questions about butts, report their findings, share their knowledge, look up database, reports and butterfly articles.
if a person's interest is just to shoot butts, they will be happy in CS. If they want to know about host plants, help on ID, tips of shooting butts, this is where they should be, because the butts experts are here ;-)
Actually I hope to see a photos oriented website, like collection of members photo, sort it by species, to hv a number of good photos in that species & provide butts information just like master's website.
This forum is part of the ButterrflyPals website. The final website will have photo gallery, checklist, articles etc. We might consider allowing member to setup their own gallery. We are still deciding what software is best for doing that, how much space we will need to provide and how much it is going to cost.
Sky Blue
20-May-2004, 05:54 PM
ic ic, think i'm worried too much ;p
20-May-2004, 08:59 PM
ic ic, think i'm worried too much ;p
Actually, you do have a point about CS getting mad at me for pulling you guys over. That's why I PM'ed you. But since I made some comments in Bob's thread about a Butt Forum, I'm half expecting a PM from one of the CS moderators to stop pinching members.
But like Gan said, if you're not really into butts and curious about other aspects of them, besides just shooting them, then even if the members come in here, they won't last long.
Anyway, we will still need your help in the website thingy, since you "do this on a daily basis"... ;)
Common Rose
20-May-2004, 11:31 PM
Hmmm, seems like a butt's flu'er haven!
21-May-2004, 01:00 AM
There are already complains about too many butterflies macro-shots in CS. Sooner or later, we will be ousted out by the others -- especially those strong believer in equipments. ;)
You have a point there too. Yes, there were a couple of chaps who were bored with the butt shots and asked for something new. CS is a equipment forum?
Anyway, when's your trip to Kota Kinabalu? Should be getting lots of butt shots from there. ;)
Chestnut Bob
21-May-2004, 01:25 AM
Be going to Genting in Jun, any butts there?
21-May-2004, 09:43 AM
Be going to Genting in Jun, any butts there?
Yes there are. This is the season for butts. Of course, you'll have to stray a bit from the hotel and theme park areas and look for forest tracks and flowering plants on the fringes of the 'commercial' areas.
Then at night, you can go look at the two-legged butts in the casinos! :D
Have a nice time!
Sky Blue
21-May-2004, 10:17 AM
But like Gan said, if you're not really into butts and curious about other aspects of them, besides just shooting them, then even if the members come in here, they won't last long.
err... not sure my flu will last long or not ? :p
Anyway, we will still need your help in the website thingy, since you "do this on a daily basis"... ;)
no problem, just let me know :)
Cycad Blue
21-May-2004, 02:51 PM
There are already complains about too many butterflies macro-shots in CS. Sooner or later, we will be ousted out by the others -- especially those strong believer in equipments. ;)
Huh? really? got pple complain meh? :confused:
21-May-2004, 02:53 PM
Huh? really? got pple complain meh? :confused:
Ya... got pple complain too many Cycad Blues flying all over the shop... :rolleyes:
Green Baron
21-May-2004, 03:17 PM
Wow ! Looks like this the butt flu is more contagious than bird flu !
Welcome everybody. Like papilio said, we are still brainstorming how we want to setup this forums and we welcome your suggestions and ideas. We want this to be a place where butts lover can fell at home and if there are demand and $ permits support individual sighting record and gallery.
Please keep your suggestions coming. We should probably meet one of these days at AH to trash out ideas and suggestion.
Common Rose
21-May-2004, 09:24 PM
Ya... got pple complain too many Cycad Blues flying all over the shop... :rolleyes:
:D Maybe I have posted too many Cycad Blues there. :rolleyes:
Chestnut Bob
21-May-2004, 11:47 PM
Some peeps are just full of talks. There's a guy who ask if they can see other things beside butts. I invited him to start the ball rolling and he went mumb LOL
The Monarch
22-May-2004, 01:54 AM
Ah. Been quite busy this week, haven't had time to shoot or come online much.
Glad to see you guys still highly infected with the flu. :thumbsup:
27-May-2004, 12:15 PM
Hi fellow butt-flu sufferers. ;P Garion here from CS forums...its great to join this new community of butt shooters/lovers, many thanks to Commander (Papilio I presume) for inviting me over here. Decide to choose a butt-related nick after seeing all the butt names around :bsmile: Now have to figure out who is who...
Here's to the success of this forum...thanks to Papilio and Green Baron for taking the effort to create this community...cheers! :cheers:
p.s Love the new forum logo!
Sky Blue
27-May-2004, 12:20 PM
Welcome Birdwing :hello:
Common Rose
27-May-2004, 12:25 PM
Welcome to the butts flu gang! :cheers: Know who I am? :-)
Common Rose
27-May-2004, 12:26 PM
p.s Love the new forum logo!
That was done by Cycad Blue. Quite well done :thumbsup: isn't it?
27-May-2004, 12:28 PM
That was done by Cycad Blue. Quite well done :thumbsup: isn't it?Yup! Very nice! Is Cycad Blue Zookeeper? (knowing her fetish for Cycad
And you are Macross I presume. (can tell from your avatar) :bsmile:
Common Rose
27-May-2004, 12:32 PM
Yup! Very nice! Is Cycad Blue Zookeeper? (knowing her fetish for Cycad
And you are Macross I presume. (can tell from your avatar) :bsmile:
Well done! :thumbsup:
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