View Full Version : Species 66

Common Rose
23-Jun-2004, 10:28 PM
This is a big butt. Is it Dark Blue Jungle Glory? Saw iridescent blue when it flew. Quite a sight! There were a few around.


24-Jun-2004, 12:01 AM
This is a big butt. Is it Dark Blue Jungle Glory? Saw iridescent blue when it flew. Quite a sight! There were a few around.

Wow, a few? Must be in season. Were you in the vicinity of any palms? The forest thorny ones. We had long suspected that one of these palms is the host plant of the cats of this species. No luck in locating the cat/pupa yet so far. The underside of this one suggests a female.

Common Rose
24-Jun-2004, 01:02 AM
They were found near that place with the hut. I was just coming out and heading towards the small stream (ie opp direction to Vesak Day outing) when my eyes caught hold of the a butt hanging on a branch at below eye level.

On the spot I saw about 4 big butts (flew off when I got near, so diff to trace). But when I downloaded my photos, I found out that the first pic was a Saturn! But I am sure that there were at least 2, 'cause I was following one on the right side of the trail which flew into the forest, whereas another, the one posted, actually flew to the left side.

Just read the BP guide which I borrowed from the library. It says '... favours localities in the vicinity of forest streams. ...'

The Monarch
24-Jun-2004, 04:21 PM
Wah Neo, your collection is really growing man. :thumbsup:

Any plans for another outing anytime soon guys? Shutter finger itchy liao. Maybe next weekend or sometime after?