View Full Version : Contributions

20-May-2004, 09:36 PM
Guys, if you have any special expertise or technical knowledge about this forum software and/or setting up websites, please let us know and we can get you to contribute your knowledge. As you are pioneers here, and can make a difference in the appearance of this website/forum, please feel free to suggest and even make that move to change things to suit everyone's preference here.

If you don't have any special skills in the software, contribute in terms of the chatter and the photos! :)

20-May-2004, 11:31 PM
Can we include either the "home" or "forum" icon on the top 'tool bar' having difficulty locating the forum page after switching here and there.

Sky Blue
21-May-2004, 10:30 AM
Can we include either the "home" or "forum" icon on the top 'tool bar' having difficulty locating the forum page after switching here and there.

i'm only good in those technical things like server, web, DB setup, config & trouble shooting but not good in designing, think we need a more prominent logo for our website (any one working on that?) ;)

Cycad Blue
21-May-2004, 11:54 AM
Me can design a bit...so can help a bit with the logo design if you want. :)

21-May-2004, 12:05 PM
I think it is useful to have a "garbage and/or test" folder. :) The postings could be auto-purged after a week or so -- to save space.

I was trying to implement a sighting database on yahoogroups, but it only support a flat database. Perhaps, we can have the a forum just for sighting, group by the family/subspecies? Or would be it more intutive to be group by location. SPUG.net has a form for bull-and-sell folder, maybe I could contact their moderator to see how they do it. :)

Ok, anything that you can help with would be appreciated. You and Sky Blue can be our technical advisors. ;) I'm keen on the sightings database. I've seen some overseas sites where a table is created for users to key in their lists. Maybe something like that can also be done. Of course, if the data can be represented on a map (of Singapore), even better!

21-May-2004, 12:06 PM
Me can design a bit...so can help a bit with the logo design if you want. :)

We'll need all the help we can get. So perhaps you can start on the banner for this forum first? Right at the top where it says "VBulletin". :)

21-May-2004, 12:52 PM
PS: kena scolded by Cycad-Blue for being a butterfly. :D

Why? She prefers you to be a moth? :eek:

Sky Blue
21-May-2004, 02:38 PM
I've seen some overseas sites where a table is created for users to key in their lists. Maybe something like that can also be done. Of course, if the data can be represented on a map (of Singapore), even better!

can show us the overseas sites, may be I can build a similar one ;)

Cycad Blue
21-May-2004, 02:46 PM
Heheh....bribe me lah...
kidding...seriously...do give me some preferences/directions on how the logo should look like....then I work from there...=)

I do by next Wed, can?

err ... will u be using cycad blue for the logo? *PROTEST from other butterflies*

21-May-2004, 02:51 PM
Heheh....bribe me lah...
kidding...seriously...do give me some preferences/directions on how the logo should look like....then I work from there...=)

I do by next Wed, can?

Heh heh... we're at her mercy leh... We were talking about the Tree Nymph, cos it's black and white... simplicity of a non-coloured butt... and cheaper to print too, if it's for write-ups and T-shirts. (We sound so cheap-skate hor?)

Give it a go first, and then everyone can give suggestions. Don't rush. Go out and shoot more Cycad Blues, and maybe some inspiration for a design will hit you. :cool:

21-May-2004, 02:52 PM
can show us the overseas sites, may be I can build a similar one ;)

Ok. Gotta go search again. Didn't bookmark those. I remember that there was one from UK.

Sky Blue
21-May-2004, 03:25 PM
Ok. Gotta go search again. Didn't bookmark those. I remember that there was one from UK.

this one? http://www.butterfly-guide.co.uk/species/coppers/welc4.htm

21-May-2004, 03:36 PM
this one? http://www.butterfly-guide.co.uk/species/coppers/welc4.htm

No... doesn't look familiar.

Green Baron
21-May-2004, 03:45 PM
Heh heh... we're at her mercy leh... We were talking about the Tree Nymph, cos it's black and white... simplicity of a non-coloured butt... and cheaper to print too, if it's for write-ups and T-shirts. (We sound so cheap-skate hor?)

Give it a go first, and then everyone can give suggestions. Don't rush. Go out and shoot more Cycad Blues, and maybe some inspiration for a design will hit you. :cool:Cycad Blue,
Thanks for volunteering your help.
I think we need to items - a logo and a banner.

For logo, how about a one similar to Jurassic Park logo
but with a Tree Nymph and the words "Butterfly Pals" ?

For banner, how about a butterfly (tree nymph ? Pansy ?) against Lantana bush and Blue sky ?

Green Baron
21-May-2004, 03:49 PM
I think it is useful to have a "garbage and/or test" folder. :) The postings could be auto-purged after a week or so -- to save space.

Your wish is my command ! Done !:)

Cycad Blue
21-May-2004, 06:47 PM
okie folks, will go experiment and come up with sthg by next week ;)

Common Rose
21-May-2004, 09:17 PM
Don't know whether u guys have seen this: http://www.molluscan.com/explore/

You can click on the map.

Sky Blue
21-May-2004, 11:57 PM
The output might be something like this:

Google also return another butterfly sighting site (for North America):

of course, we have to maintain some "simple" co-ordinate to mark the approximate location on the map.

ok, will try to understand their concept & let everybody know b4 start to build. :wink:

Sky Blue
22-May-2004, 04:22 PM
Just realise that Tree Nymph is the icon for BIG's banner. will that be okay?
maybe can try other black-and-white butterflies? glassy tiger! :P

think ppl behind BIG & butt pals r the same right :bsmile:

22-May-2004, 05:57 PM
think ppl behind BIG & butt pals r the same right :bsmile:

Yup. BIG has been too much associated with NSS, and we felt that it's about time the group stepped out of NSS's shadow and stand alone. That's why the new name/image. :)