View Full Version : Is this Gerosis...

27-Jun-2004, 08:37 PM
This is a new species for me :cheers: , unfortunately its' only a record shot. Pic taken today at SICC "Hill top".

Is this possibly a Gerosis Sinica Minima or? Is the white on the abdomen also found on the limax or phisara spp :thinking:

27-Jun-2004, 09:58 PM
Hmmm... quite a lot of strange skippers appearing in Singapore lately? Or with the "army" of butt shooters around now, we have a higher statistical chance of discovering more new species. From the pic, I'd agree with you that it's a Gerosis sinica minima. Based on C&P4, it doesn't even exist in Singapore! Well done! The white abdomen is characteristic that is not found in either of the other two species that I have voucher specimens of - G. limax and G. phisara. So this adds one more species to the master checklist for Singapore! :thumbsup:

I'll make that addition to the Singapore checklist, which has officially hit 259+1 species. :cheers:

27-Jun-2004, 10:19 PM
Hmmm... quite a lot of strange skippers appearing in Singapore lately? Or with the "army" of butt shooters around now, we have a higher statistical chance of discovering more new species. From the pic, I'd agree with you that it's a Gerosis sinica minima. Based on C&P4, it doesn't even exist in Singapore! Well done! The white abdomen is characteristic that is not found in either of the other two species that I have voucher specimens of - G. limax and G. phisara. So this adds one more species to the master checklist for Singapore! :thumbsup:

I'll make that addition to the Singapore checklist, which has officially hit 259+1 species. :cheers:

Thanks for the confirmation only got time to capture the image. Don't even got time to take a close-up shot. Very fast flyer! :cheergal:

27-Jun-2004, 10:23 PM
Thanks for the confirmation only got time to capture the image. Don't even got time to take a close-up shot. Very fast flyer! :cheergal:

Hmmm... after checking both C&P4 and Fleming, there's some confusion again. G. sinica has a larger white area on the forewing. Your specimen has a white abdomen as described as G.sinica, but the description of G. tristis is also consistent with a white abdomen for the female.

So I'll have to put it under another "mystery" butt list for the moment. ;P