View Full Version : Species #268 for the Singapore Checklist!
31-Jul-2005, 05:17 PM
Just when we thought that we'd seen it all, B-Pals recorded (or rather re-discovered) species #268 for the Singapore Checklist! :jumjoy: Initially, I thought that we'd seen something totally new, but this is still a rare species which was on the Singapore record in C&P4, but we have not seen it before until today. So here it is... introducing species #268 for the Singapore Checklist, Euthalia merta merta. In C&P4, this is depicted on Plate 27, Figures 19 & 20 for the male and female.
Perhaps we may have seen the males before, and as it looks very much like the Baron's or Malay Baron's male, we may not have noticed this species. However, the female is very different, and this is what we recorded today. Hopefully, we will see it again. It's a rare forest "Baron" and I'm glad that we were able to have this eventful encounter. :cheers:
Cycad Blue
31-Jul-2005, 05:21 PM
waa, new species again! *fireworks boom boom boom!*
(hee i wouldn't have known the difference...*sheepish*)
31-Jul-2005, 06:04 PM
:jumjoy: :jumjoy: :jumjoy:
SC - you missed the chance to shoot the species #268!
Sky Blue
31-Jul-2005, 06:20 PM
nvm lor :cheers:
Common Mime
31-Jul-2005, 06:35 PM
Congrats! :cheers: :jumjoy:
31-Jul-2005, 07:17 PM
waa, new species again! *fireworks boom boom boom!*
(hee i wouldn't have known the difference...*sheepish*)
Was telling Master Khew that we seems to have extra luck during National Day period. last year, the first new discovery was in August as well. Master Khew said that they found the Black Rajah on National Day (since the site will not be "live").
Cycad Blue
31-Jul-2005, 07:55 PM
hee hee, Singapore's birthday, so BPals gets a share of birthday pressies too! :cheers:
31-Jul-2005, 08:01 PM
hee hee, Singapore's birthday, so BPals gets a share of birthday pressies too! :cheers:
I prefer to state it the other way: Butterflies also make their special appearance for National Day celebration.
Another side-joke, the new HDB loan ruling has made SG attractive for the butterflies (cf. aliens) as well. :P
31-Jul-2005, 08:23 PM
:yeh-yeh: :yeh-yeh: :yeh-yeh:
Elbowed Pierrot
31-Jul-2005, 08:47 PM
well done.. +1 to our checklist
31-Jul-2005, 08:52 PM
Thanks to the gang... and two rare-butt attracters with us to day - BJ and Federick. :-)
31-Jul-2005, 09:01 PM
Listed as "White-Tipped Baron" in the reference checklist.
CP, can you help to do a few searches on the Internet to see if there are any more resources to learn about this species?
31-Jul-2005, 09:15 PM
English common name of "White-tipped Baron". (CP: Khew gotten the name from here?)
Found in: Assam - Peninsular Malaya, Singapore
It can be found in Thailand as well.
Size: 28 - 35 cm.
Distribution: Borneo
Status in Thailand: Natl. Red List, Protected, Resident
[Present?, Resident?]
Indonesia y R
Malaysia y R
Thailand y R
Vietnam y R
01-Aug-2005, 09:50 PM
Another +1 for the records.
02-Aug-2005, 10:56 AM
Congrats on the +1 to the sg checklist. Good work guys. :cheers:
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