View Full Version : Are they the same Nacaduba spp ?

Peacock Royal
08-Aug-2005, 07:19 PM
I have been shooting something look the same to me but not been able to id it - quite frustrating. Here are some shots for you all to see if they are the same species.

1. 31 July at USR
2. 7 Aug at Springleaf woodland/grassland area.
3. at USR in June
4. at TBH in May

After checking Richard's shot here (http://www.butterflypals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1914&highlight=nacaduba+berenice) and C&P4, :sweat: I guess these shots may be Nacaduba berenice icena (rounded six-line blue).
Your opinion is appreciated.

Sky Blue
08-Aug-2005, 11:02 PM
yup, look like all of them is Nacaduba berenice icena

Common Rose
08-Aug-2005, 11:20 PM
to me, looks like there may be two diff species. :thinking:

Peacock Royal
02-Jan-2006, 12:21 AM
Addin few more shots for comparisons.

5. Shot @ SF on 1 Jan 2006
6. Shot @ LT on 31 Dec 05
7. Shot at LT on 31 Dec 05

02-Jan-2006, 02:16 PM
Initial glance at the "magnificient seven" appears that most of them are the same except for slight variation .

Here is a composite layout to make the comparison easier..



Peacock Royal
02-Jan-2006, 05:22 PM
Wah, thanks for your good work of putting them together for comparisons.

We have 3 species : Nacaduba beroe neon, Nacaduba berenice icena (Rounded 6-Line Blue) and Nacaduba calauria malayica on the SG checklist.

We seldom have field shots of Nacaduba beroe neon and Nacaduba calauria malayica. So hope some comparison here would give us some clues to id these highly similar species. Must confess, I have almost zero confidence of iding these species.

Many thanks Sunny.