View Full Version : Butterflies and their host plants

Common Mime
30-Sep-2005, 03:33 PM
Well, let's say if one butterfly which has more than one host plant, plant A and Plant B. When the female is laying egg, will she lays on one particular plant or randomly on plant A and Plant B? If she lays only on Plant A, will it because that she was bred with Plant A when she was young?:embrass:

Any ideas?

p/s: Wandering this forum and "Early Stage and Host Plant" forum to post this and decided to post it here.

Common Mime
30-Sep-2005, 08:18 PM
Up before I offline for the weekend!;-)

Sky Blue
01-Oct-2005, 11:57 AM
there is always a preferred host plant, so if both exists, I think that will choose the preferred host. But that really depend on species :thinking:

Green Baron
01-Oct-2005, 11:27 PM
So far I have not observer any butts laying eggs on more than 1 species of host plant. However I think this warrant farther study and will make a good post-graduate research project :-)