View Full Version : Pitcher Blue

09-Nov-2005, 11:39 AM
Shot another Pitcher Blue yesterday , this time at KRP , noted many pitcher plants along the nature trail on the western slope of the park.

Cat farmers take note.



Common Mime
09-Nov-2005, 11:48 AM
Sunny Papa, your shots are not consistent. How come this one so soft, OOF? Were you using MF or AF?

Coloration is ok now but need to work harder on the focusing issue. I see you can shoot pretty sharp pic sometimes but this one is really sub-standard. Those T-180 hardcore might kick you butt.

09-Nov-2005, 12:06 PM

This is a record shot which is heavily cropped....he was at least a good 7 feet away when I shot him using manual focus .He scooted when I try to move in for better shots.

At times a snapshot (for record)is better than none . Believe this is one instant ,today's ID-a-Butt-a-Day as well, where "shoot first talk later" paid off .........at least now we know they are present in KRP as well. ;-)


Sky Blue
09-Nov-2005, 08:47 PM
yes, another Pitcher Blue. We need u to guide us there.