View Full Version : Ypthima baldus newboldi/Ypthima horsfieldii humei

22-Jan-2006, 08:55 PM
For a long time, I wondered about how we ID the species Ypthima horsfieldii humei. Though most of us have shot specimens which generally correspond with C&P4's ID Key of both Y. horsfieldii and Y. baldus, I was doubtful if the way the IDs are described are reliable.

Today, we encountered a mating pair at TBHP. Look at the difference between the two in this record shot, and I wouldn't be so sure to conclude that a specimen with the ocelli apart or those in spaces 2,3,5 & 6 are smaller, or equal in size, is Y. horsfieldii. :thinking:

It adds a bit more confusion to the ID characteristics to separate the two species.

31-Jan-2006, 11:16 PM
Re-read C&P4. the ocelli's size might be relative each pair rather than between species?

Y. baldus
(1) underside hindwing double ocellus in space 1b out of line with ocelli in spaces 2 and 3
(2) underside hindwing ocelli in space 2 and 3 are large and almost always contiguos; ocellus in spaces 5 always larger than space 6.

Y. horsfieldii
(1) -- same as Y. baldus
(2) underside hindwing ocelli in spacs 2 and 3 smaller and separate, ocelli in spaces 5 and 6 subequal; that in 5 sometimes smaller.

Hence, the couple is Y. baldus.