View Full Version : How to do the images!

Sister Sophie
20-Jul-2004, 12:31 AM
To: Mr. Gan Cheong Weei <gancw1@yahoo.com.sg>

I am really glad that you gave the instructions about how to do the images, because I am new and I am still learning so much about the Club.

Thanking you again, Sister Sophie

Green Baron
20-Jul-2004, 10:57 AM
You are welcome. We have not put up the FAQs yet. We will add instruction on how to attach photo to the FAQ.

Sister Sophie
21-Jul-2004, 07:13 AM
To: Mr. Gan Cheong Weei <gancw1@yahoo.com.sg>

OK. All of us members, especially me, are waiting for your new instructions.

Thanking you in advance, Sister Sophie