View Full Version : Updates to AH Checklist

09-Jul-2006, 09:47 PM
I was reviewing through my old files (thanks to the weather today :prrr: ), and found these shots taken at AH on 20 Mar 05. I remember this rather large looking skipper basking in the hot sun, and fired off a few shots at it, and then went on to shoot other stuff.

On reviewing the shots again, I realised that this is the Great Swift (Pelopidas assamensis). It has been observed at TBHP before, so I am not surprised that it turned up at AH. So one more for the checklist. C&P4 does not show the underside, but the Hong Kong book does. However, the underside hindwing spots are not consistent, and in some specimens (like one I took at Mandai) the spots are less pronounced as in this one at AH.

I think Neo shot a TAQ there recently too. (Neo can confirm?). And there was a Rounded 6-line Blue that was shot but not added to the checklist. Anyone else wants to add more that are not on the checklist?

Common Rose
10-Jul-2006, 04:31 PM
Yup, that was a TAQ.