View Full Version : Two Swallowtails

18-Sep-2006, 12:05 AM
Record shots of two Papilio spp. - A Common Mormon feeding in its usual classic pose, on a small-leafed Ixora, whilst the other, the much-larger Great Helen, is feeding on the large-leafed variety of Ixora.

The red flowers of the Ixora are particularly attractive to many butterflies and are one of the preferred nectaring plants of butterflies.

Both butts were shot over the weekend at public parks in Singapore. :)

The Monarch
18-Sep-2006, 12:18 AM
What is that coming out behind the Great Helen's tail ah?

18-Sep-2006, 12:20 AM
Dunno... probably got snagged in some spider's web. ;P

Elbowed Pierrot
18-Sep-2006, 09:38 AM
cant see the size differences

18-Sep-2006, 09:48 AM
Our pictures cannot convey the scale/size of the butterflies. Not unless you hold a ruler next to the butt as you shoot it. ;P

However, in highlighting the size difference of the leaves of the Ixora, it gives the illusion that the Common Mormon is a much bigger butterfly than the Great Helen, when compared against the leaves of the plant. However, the opposite is true.