View Full Version : Butterflies Thru' the Lens - Preserved for Posterity

10-Oct-2006, 12:57 PM
I was pleasantly surprised when I received my copy of Gardenwise - the newsletter of the Singapore Botanic Gardens Vol 27 July 2006. The editors took our recent exhibition "Butterflies Thru' the Lens" and made it an article in the newsletter. Our article was also given "centrefold" exposure. :bsmile:

The photos from Soon Chye, Sunny and Simon were also featured and credits given in the article. Well done, guys. Now at least some of our work has been preserved for posterity in NParks' archives. :cheers:

Unfortunately, hardcopies of the SBG newsletter are not for sale but are distributed to a select group of people only. I will bring the copy along for our outings and those who are interested can read it. However, you can download a pdf version at the SBG website. My earlier article "Colours in the Breeze (http://www.sbg.org.sg/publications/37.pdf)" (July 2001 - OMG! it's been 5 years already??) can be downloaded from the website (See if anyone can spot the mistake that I made in the text);P . This latest July 06 issue has not been put on their website yet, but will probably appear soon.

02-Nov-2006, 01:10 AM
The digital issue of Gardenwise July 2006 (http://www.sbg.org.sg/publications/66.pdf) is now available for download as a pdf file. There are some interesting articles on orchids which may be of interest to some of you. :)

You'll need to have a pdf reader like Adobe Acrobat installed to read the file directly from the website.

Common Mime
02-Nov-2006, 01:29 AM
:gbounce: :jumjoy: :redbounce

Elbowed Pierrot
02-Nov-2006, 02:02 AM
thks khw, tml i go office print

Sky Blue
02-Nov-2006, 08:46 AM
Thanks Khew for the update ;-)