View Full Version : Forget Me Not???

01-Nov-2006, 12:09 AM
here is another pair with a confusing 3 dots on the right butt forewing...:bsmile:

Is it a Silver Forget Me Not or just a Forget Me Not?:bsmile:

01-Nov-2006, 08:29 AM
Interesting shot of the mating pair. The extra dots could be due to either birth defects or wear-and-tear.

Going by the butt on the left, in my opinion, the pair is forget-me-not, and not silver-forget-me-not (using the ID key you mentioned in earlier posts). Comparing against the plate info on the HK LS site, the left one is a male, and the right one is a female.


Peacock Royal
01-Nov-2006, 08:41 AM
I think so, the female of many species is larger.

01-Nov-2006, 01:54 PM
The color variation of the 2 species can be very misleading, in both butterflies the color vary from location to location from light brown to light silver. And it is also affected by the ambient lighting.

The only reliable identification marking on a side view is the location of the forewing dot.

This shot was taken yesterday of the same female in the mating pair on her left side before it was engaged , initially the color led me to think that it is a Silver Forget Me Not.

Became really confused when the shot was taken on her right side when she was engaged...... she has 3 dots on her right side and was light brown in color!!!:bsmile:

The lower dot with surronding white patch should be the real dot and the other black dots higher up are most likely birth defects or stains.


01-Nov-2006, 04:53 PM
The lower dot with surronding white patch should be the real dot and the other black dots higher up are most likely birth defects or stains.

Not dust on your camera's sensor hor? :bsmile:

01-Nov-2006, 06:21 PM
Let me check !:bsmile: :bsmile: :blah:

01-Nov-2006, 08:29 PM
Actually it does look like your CCD could be dirty as there are spots on the lower right corner of the picture, as well as in the region just above the antennae of the right butt.


Common Mime
01-Nov-2006, 09:48 PM
haha, u take it so serious? If those dots happens to be from his CMOS, then it is time to get a 30D. LOL

01-Nov-2006, 09:53 PM
Horace and CM,

Actually it is very very dirty !;P

Just cannot find free time to send it for cleaning!:bsmile:

Sky Blue
01-Nov-2006, 10:24 PM
cannot self clean? I did that for my fuji but yet to try on my canon

Common Mime
01-Nov-2006, 10:27 PM
Of course it can be done. There's a filter (hi-pass filter?) to protect the CMOS abd the replacement of this filter is rather cheap I think.