View Full Version : Butterflies ID

07-Jan-2007, 09:08 PM
Can anyone please identify these butterflies?


Pictures 1 to 3.

The first and second were taken at Singapore Zoo, while the third one in Brunei. The butterfly in photo #1 was the most friendly butterfly I've encountered. It simply landed on my trousers and wouldn't budge, even as I walked around. :bsmile:

07-Jan-2007, 09:42 PM
Can anyone please identify these butterflies?


Pictures 1 to 3.

The first and second were taken at Singapore Zoo, while the third one in Brunei. The butterfly in photo #1 was the most friendly butterfly I've encountered. It simply landed on my trousers and wouldn't budge, even as I walked around. :bsmile:

Thanks for the additional information that you took the first two shots at the Singapore Zoo. That helps a lot in nailing down the species. #1, your friendly butterfly, is the Great Eggfly (Hypolimnas bolina bolina). It's one of those local species which the Zoo has had success in breeding. #2 is a Taiwanese import, the White Tree Nymph (Idea leuconoe clara). This is a different species from the Malaysian/Singaporean subspecies, the Mangrove Tree Nymph (Idea leuconoe chersonesia), which as its name suggests, can usually be found in mangrove/coastal habitats.

As for #3, the closest match we have over in Malaysia would be the Great Duffer (Discophora timora perakensis).

08-Jan-2007, 08:25 AM
Thanks for the identification, Khew!:)

Hm... As for #3, I'm still not sure as to what exactly it is. A website states that the range for Great Duffer doesn't include Borneo. But, I do agree that the genus is Discophora.

08-Jan-2007, 08:44 AM
Ya, you'll need an expert in Bornean butterflies to advise you then. From my references, there are 3 recorded species - D. necho, D. sondaica and D. simplex. Perhaps your shot is of one of these. :thinking: