View Full Version : Which Rapala?
22-Jan-2007, 07:33 PM
Shot this Rapala at KRP (pic 1). Does not look like the Slate Flash with the darker brown and purplish sheen. Also caught a glimpse of its upperside (pic 2).
Any suggestions from the expert on its ID?
Elbowed Pierrot
22-Jan-2007, 08:26 PM
i say its the indigo Flash
22-Jan-2007, 09:03 PM
i say its the indigo Flash
Looking at the plate for indigo flash in C&P4, and those pic kept in the Bcircle checklist, the indigo flash is supposed to have very broad post-discal bands, and broader than those shown in the pic I took.:thinking:
22-Jan-2007, 11:22 PM
Adding another shot of the Rapala.
Just had a closer look at the Rapala section in C&P4. On page 327, it says the ID key for R. nissa is "male upperside steely blue; no brand on forewing. Female upperside paler steely blue. Underside pale brown, with a strong rosy purple wash; post-discal band reddish brown, and unusually straight on the forewing".
Is R. nissa a possibility for the specimen I shot?
23-Jan-2007, 12:10 AM
My personal opinion is that this is still an Indigo Flash. I have specimens where the post-discal band is narrower than those figured in C&P4. Also, "steely blue" is light blue. The upperside of what you shot is consistent with a deep indigo blue.
The other clue which also gives an indication is the missing brand on the forewing. The male you shot has an obvious brand shown by that circular bump on the hindwing. If the brand is absent, the bump is usually also not there.
But with these lookalikes, one cannot be 100% sure. Check out the Japanese Rapala plates for more info.
23-Jan-2007, 12:27 AM
My personal opinion is that this is still an Indigo Flash. I have specimens where the post-discal band is narrower than those figured in C&P4. Also, "steely blue" is light blue. The upperside of what you shot is consistent with a deep indigo blue.
The other clue which also gives an indication is the missing brand on the forewing. The male you shot has an obvious brand shown by that circular bump on the hindwing. If the brand is absent, the bump is usually also not there.
But with these lookalikes, one cannot be 100% sure. Check out the Japanese Rapala plates for more info.
Thank you for the expert's comments on the possible ID, and the educating part on the brand and bump. I will record it as a male Indigo Flash with a strong likelihood.
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