Common Rose
06-Aug-2004, 11:09 PM
Borrowed this book "How to Spot Butterflies". Quote the last para of the Foreword:
I do have one caution for you. Once you spot your first Red-spotted Purple you may feel the need to spot a Pipevine Swallowtail. Before you know it you'll be searching for Striped Hairstreaks and Confused Cloudywings -- you'll be hooked! Yes, butterflying is addictive, and this book is part of a small conspiracy to create as large a constituency as possible that cares deeply about the ecological health of the planet. Who knows, if we can save butterflies, we may even be able to save ourselves.
I do have one caution for you. Once you spot your first Red-spotted Purple you may feel the need to spot a Pipevine Swallowtail. Before you know it you'll be searching for Striped Hairstreaks and Confused Cloudywings -- you'll be hooked! Yes, butterflying is addictive, and this book is part of a small conspiracy to create as large a constituency as possible that cares deeply about the ecological health of the planet. Who knows, if we can save butterflies, we may even be able to save ourselves.