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Common Rose
06-Aug-2004, 11:09 PM
Borrowed this book "How to Spot Butterflies". Quote the last para of the Foreword:

I do have one caution for you. Once you spot your first Red-spotted Purple you may feel the need to spot a Pipevine Swallowtail. Before you know it you'll be searching for Striped Hairstreaks and Confused Cloudywings -- you'll be hooked! Yes, butterflying is addictive, and this book is part of a small conspiracy to create as large a constituency as possible that cares deeply about the ecological health of the planet. Who knows, if we can save butterflies, we may even be able to save ourselves.

Elbowed Pierrot
06-Aug-2004, 11:26 PM
Borrowed this book "How to Spot Butterflies". Quote the last para of the Foreword:

I do have one caution for you. Once you spot your first Red-spotted Purple you may feel the need to spot a Pipevine Swallowtail. Before you know it you'll be searching for Striped Hairstreaks and Confused Cloudywings -- you'll be hooked! Yes, butterflying is addictive, and this book is part of a small conspiracy to create as large a constituency as possible that cares deeply about the ecological health of the planet. Who knows, if we can save butterflies, we may even be able to save ourselves.

very wise words.. have to agree b'fly photography is addictive, those who just beginning..... turn back before it's too late :blah:

Yong San
11-Aug-2004, 09:54 PM
Hello Neo,
Thank you for sharing the quote from this nice book.

I would like to share with you from another book called Handbook for Butterfly Watcher by Robert Michael Pyle. From the last section of the chapter of Butterfly photography :

Addiction - There are many things in LIFE that are more important and every bit as entertaining as the pursuit and enjoyment of butterflies. But, on a sunny day, in the middle of a flowery mountain meadow, it's sometimes difficult to remember what they are.

I like the part about 'LIFE' :-)

Regards, << Yong >>