View Full Version : Butterflies from Taiwan
Peacock Royal
20-Jun-2007, 02:16 PM
Went to Taiwan for holidays (from 11 June to 19 June) . Here are some record shots taken along road sides or at the tourist attraction spots. Throughout the trip the weather there was mainly cloudy and windy.
The species are id based on the book : 蝴蝶100 ( (Butterflies 100 , mine is 4th edtion).
1. Acytolepsis puspa myla - this is very similar to our local species Common Hedge Blue (Acytolepis puspa lambi )
2. Danaus chrysippus chrysippus (Plain Tiger)
3. Ypthima spp - looks like Ypthima multistriata ?
4. Pieris canidia
5. Polygonia caureum lunulata (?)
6. Lampides boeticus (Pea Blue)
7. Euploea spp
The following shots were taken in the insectarium inside the Taipei Zoo. The trip there was cut short due to rain shortly after our lunch.
8a. Idea leuconoe clara
To continue...
Peacock Royal
20-Jun-2007, 02:19 PM
9a Look like Papilio memnon - not sure which subspecies
10. Papilio bianor thrasymedes ?
11. Junonia spp - looks like our Junonia hedonia ida (Chocolate Pansy)
12. Kaniska spp
13 . Hebomoia glaucippe spp
Hope someone can help to id the butterflies. Thanks
Painted Jezebel
20-Jun-2007, 02:50 PM
I believe that the Taiwan subspecies of Papilio memnon, is the same as for Singapore. The female (9a&b) is female f. agenor (formerly f. vinius, which is now treated solely as a variation of f. agenor).
The Kaniska species is Kaniska canace, though I do not know what ssp. There is only one species in this genus, so I can be very confident up to species level!:bsmile:
20-Jun-2007, 03:36 PM
Hi, where did you visit in Taipei? :)
Some shots seem to be from the zoo?
20-Jun-2007, 06:18 PM
Well taken shots Federick. No wonder when a lot of you appeared at TPTP you were no where to be found. Still at least half a dozen of the PR still around and waiting for you.
Cigaritis wong
20-Jun-2007, 09:40 PM
no.4 can call it cabbage yellow?
Peacock Royal
20-Jun-2007, 11:09 PM
CP : Yes the last few shots (8a to 13) were taken in the zoo.
Richard :Thanks. Looked like I missed the fun at TPTP. I was there some weeks ago but with the removal of the Pseuderanthemum reticulatum , butts activities were pathetic, especially the ALs, they have gone . Good to see some butts coming back. I may be there this Saturday.
Wong : I think that is a female. CW is very common in Taiwan.
Common Mime
20-Jun-2007, 11:11 PM
Your Idea leuconoe clara is superb!
20-Jun-2007, 11:22 PM
Federick, you are still badly infected by the butt flu. Even on holiday, you are still out there shooting butts. :bsmile:
24-Jun-2007, 04:05 AM
For those visiting Taiwan who are also interested in butterfly early stages and foodplants, here are three useful references:
* 蝴蝶100 ( – ova, larvae, pupae, and adults of 100 common species (2007 revised and enlarged edition of Federick's book; click on the magnifying glass to see sample pages).
* 彩蝶飛 ( – larvae, pupae, and adults with lines pointing to field marks.
* 彩蝶生態全記錄 ( – hostplants pictured and arranged by family along with photos of the associated juveniles/adults.
FYI, with the great majority of the island's 375 butterflies already reared and recorded, Taiwan continues to be a leader in the popular and scientific understanding of butterfly life histories in Asia. Only Japan, with the immature stages of all its 235 or so kinds known, and possibly Hong Kong (≈210 breeding species), with the forthcoming "Iconography of Butterflies", can compare. Happy butterflying!
08-Dec-2007, 02:23 AM
I believe that the Taiwan subspecies of Papilio memnon, is the same as for Singapore. The female (9a&b) is female f. agenor (formerly f. vinius, which is now treated solely as a variation of f. agenor).
I hope no on e minds if i dig up an old thread;P bt that is the tailless form of the ssp. heronus. The tailed form resembles f.distantianus or f.achates. I m not sure if there is a scientific name for these 2 forms from taiwan bt pls mention ifu haf come across it. Les, the ssp. for taiwan is heronus. No. 10 is P. dialis tatsuta.
Painted Jezebel
08-Dec-2007, 08:56 AM
Thank you for correcting me. I must amend the source of my original incorrect statement.:embrass:
09-Dec-2007, 02:36 AM
Thank you for correcting me. I must amend the source of my original incorrect statement.:embrass:Ur welcome Les. One of the books i haf n got this info from is in a new edition(one of them recommended).
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