View Full Version : Do we need Code for Breeding / Photographing Butterflies?

Sky Blue
28-Jul-2007, 02:43 PM
Refer to the Code of Collection (http://hkls.org/colcode-hkls.html) published by HKLS, although locally we don't really have problem in people collecting butterfly un-authorized, but we do have some other problems...

1. Photography & Damage to the Environment
We've been complaint once, on the hill top in Sime forest, not intentionally damage some branches, step on plants etc. If we're coming from conservation perspective by enjoying nature (nature photography), we're actually create damages. And in recent visit to TPTP, we've seen some not intentionally, again step on those plant planted by Town Council.

For this there is one code in HKLS:

5.1 Do as little damage to the environment as possible. Remember the needs of other flora and fauna.

2. Breeding caterpillar
In view of more & more people get interested in breeding caterpillar of butterfly & shared it in this forums. I'm worried that will create trouble for both the breeder & the forum (if someone else complaint about our activities to the relevant authority, and they've been done once). Just for the information of the rest, collecting caterpillar in the park / nature reserve is actually violate the law, and possibly wipe-out some small population. While we cannot deny that the study of early stage of butterfly are important in long-term conservation.

Pls suggest the best way on how we can balance the activity.

Some code for our reference:

4.1 Always seek permission from the landowner or occupier when collecting on private land and obtain the appropriate permits when collecting on nature reserves or government land.
4.2 Always comply with any conditions laid down by the granting of permission to collect.
4.3 When collecting on nature reserves, or sites of known interest to conservationists, supply a list of species collected to the appropriate authority.
6.2 Never collect more larvae or other livestock than can be supported by the available supply of foodplant.

Hope I can hear more input from the rest.

Painted Jezebel
28-Jul-2007, 09:30 PM
Very sound rules to which I can presently think of only one to add:

Always release the adult butt in the area where the cat/egg was found.
