View Full Version : Articles on danains

17-Aug-2004, 11:21 PM
Does any of you have access to following article ? If yes contact me at

Brooks C J 1923 . Early Stages of a danaine butterfly . Journal of the Malayan branch of the royal Asiatic society , singapore. 1 : 260-261

Saitho K and Abe A 1970 . On the chromosomes of five species if danaidae from Nepal himalaya . Special bulletic of the lepidopterists’ society of Japan 4 : 153-157

Schields . O 1974 . Toward a theory of butterfly migration . Journal of research on lepidoptera 13 : 217-238

Sevastopulo D G 1978 . A possible fresh source of danainae butterfly pheromone precursor . Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine 113 : 153

Larsen T B 1979 Three and a half millennia of danaus chrysippus . Entomological monthly magazine . 114 : 161-163

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