View Full Version : 40D High ISO Test shots
01-Sep-2007, 01:57 AM
Some quick and dirty High ISO test shots on the 40D , in camera Noise Reduction Off , from raw to Jpeg , cropped , resized no post processing done.
All the shots were taken handheld in the shade with marginal lighting.
Looks pretty good to me, in such trying condition, as far as noise level is concerned at ISO 3200.
AF on the slow boat like the T180 has improved noticeably on the 40D body.
The Plane was the first customer on my 40D ! :)
#1 ISO 1000 1/60 F/7.1
#2 ISO 3200 1/120 F/10
#3 ISO 3200 1/30 F/9
#4 ISO 1250 1/250 F/5.6
#5 ISO 3200 1/100 F/7.1
#6 ISO 3200 1/125 F/8
01-Sep-2007, 08:26 AM
Good shots of The Plane and the Branded Imperial, Sunny. Noise appears in dark background especially in ISO3200.
Peacock Royal
01-Sep-2007, 09:10 AM
Wah, you shot a Plane again.
I feel that noise level is quite acceptable to me at IS03000
01-Sep-2007, 09:49 AM
Wah, you shot a Plane again.
I feel that noise level is quite acceptable to me at IS03000
If the picture was shown in full size, the noise level is not acceptable because all the noise will appear very clearly. However, if the image size was reduced, the noise could not been seen clearly.
Earlier, I have started a thread at Clubsnap, regarding guessing the ISO setting:
When the picture was reduced, you can't really see the noise.
Sky Blue
01-Sep-2007, 10:22 AM
seems like rare butts like Plane & Brown Awl being attracted by your new cam :what:
Added yr Brown Awl to the checklist, it's the 2nd photo that shoot from the wild.
01-Sep-2007, 12:52 PM
That Brown Awl is very dark , it was taken purely to check out the ISO of the 40D.
This one might be better , the same guy shot at ISO 500 1/60s F/11. rotated 180 degrees.
01-Sep-2007, 01:57 PM
Great Shots Sunny!
Love the shot with the skipper in the air
I could never capture such a shot with the wings freezed in motion
Common Mime
11-Sep-2007, 10:43 PM
I find the JPEG file processed by my 1D2 is better than the JPEG which I convert from RAW, at least the noise level is very high if I am to convert from RAW to JPEG.
Did you try shooting JPEG and what's the photos turn out?
Anyway, the photos shot with 40D's high ISO look promising!
12-Sep-2007, 12:27 AM
Still experimenting....
It appears that the 40D in camera high ISO NR is very effective when taken in Jpeg .
Here is one that was shot at ISO 3200 at DPReview (
the 100% crop of the original image (
18-Sep-2007, 11:46 PM
I find the JPEG file processed by my 1D2 is better than the JPEG which I convert from RAW, at least the noise level is very high if I am to convert from RAW to JPEG.
Just found out that the Raw processor in Photoshop and DPP follows a different algorithm from the in Camera JPEG processor .
However , the Zoombrowser Raw Image Task (RIT) has the same algorithm as the in camera processor .
If you use the RIT to convert to JPEG the image quality should be identical to the JPEG output from the camera .
I took some shots in Raw+JPEG fine and the JPEG images from the camera is very much useable without much PP.
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