View Full Version : Is this Plastingia pellonia

03-Sep-2007, 11:51 PM
Trying to ID this Yellow Chequered Lancer (taken in Taiwan, Muzha) look alike skipper, thx in advance for your ID suggestion.


04-Sep-2007, 12:03 AM
Yup, Ben Jin, that's a P. pellonia all right! :cheers:

Sky Blue
04-Sep-2007, 12:11 AM
haiz, C&P only have upper or under side, but not both...

Painted Jezebel
04-Sep-2007, 07:41 AM
The markings appear somewhat different to the only two examples I've seen, both male. Is this the female?


04-Sep-2007, 10:26 AM
I was more inclined to think that this is a male, cos I have seen females which have markings closer to what Horace and I shot here (http://b-pals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5318).

This one shot by Ben Jin has the markings in the general locations right, but with a lot more dark patches.

Personally, I haven't seen the undersides of some of the rarer species where C&P4 only shows the uppersides, but we could probably be able to rule out this specimen from the Pyroneura genus. There could be some species in the Isma genus which may well be this one, but I don't have enough information to make that conclusion.

The final clue (although not totally reliable) is the location where this was shot. Ben Jin, if this was close to where we have seen the Yellow Chequered Lancer (at least 3-4 times already), then the chances are that this specimen is one, but with some markings which are not typical of the species.

Painted Jezebel
04-Sep-2007, 10:36 AM
I would rule out an Isma species. The Undersides, certainly of the Thai species, are totally different. I suspect that this is then an ab. or form of P. pellonia. One to keep for the records.


05-Sep-2007, 09:41 PM
The final clue (although not totally reliable) is the location where this was shot. Ben Jin, if this was close to where we have seen the Yellow Chequered Lancer (at least 3-4 times already), then the chances are that this specimen is one, but with some markings which are not typical of the species.

Sorry guys I should be more specific about the location. This one was taken in Taiwan, Muzha.

05-Sep-2007, 09:45 PM
:hammer: Alamak! Give us false hopes that we may have a new species here in Singapore.

Probably a Plastingia sp, but you'll have to search the Taiwanese books to establish which species it is. ;P

Sky Blue
05-Sep-2007, 11:37 PM
haha, like that easy lah.

Thoressa varia - 黃條褐弄蝶
