View Full Version : Pics from Taiwan Mucha Zoo
09-Sep-2007, 11:08 PM
Sharing some photos shot in Taiwan Mucha Zoo. All shots taken with Nikon D70, Tamron 180mm macro lens with in-camera flash, JPEG.
Please let me know if any of the ID iswrong, thx!
#1 Tirumala septentronis
#2 Tirumala limniace
#3 Tirumala limniace (ID provided by CP, SC)
#4 Common Duffe (ID by CP and SC))
#5 Symbrenthia lilaea
#6 Symbrenthia lilaea
#7 Notocrypta curvifascia
#8 Seseria formosana (TBD)
09-Sep-2007, 11:09 PM
#9 Polygonia c-aureum
#10 Neope-muirheadi
#11 Papilio demoleus
#12 Ladoga sulpitia
#13 Kallima-inachis
#14 Kallima-inachis
#15 Junonia-iphita
#16 Jamide salecto
09-Sep-2007, 11:09 PM
#18 Hypolimnas misippus
#19 Euploea-sylvester
#20 Euploea mulciber
#21 Dravira chrysolora
#22 Danaus shrysippus
#23 Danaus shrysippus
#24 ID TBD
Sky Blue
09-Sep-2007, 11:26 PM
huh, long & nice series. I'll need sometime to digest & look for the ID ;-)
Peacock Royal
09-Sep-2007, 11:43 PM
Nice series .
Many good shots and beautiful butts you have shot.
10-Sep-2007, 12:29 AM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
#3 look very similar to #2 except for the color. is it a WB issue?
#4 - seems to be Common Duffer
#8 - Seseria formosana?
#24 - J. alecto? Only found 3 J. in the references -- the other being J. bochus and J. celeno.
10-Sep-2007, 01:29 AM
My 100th post! I thought no.12 was limentis sulpita? Strange flowers on last pic.
Sky Blue
10-Sep-2007, 11:52 PM
#3 same as #2 - Tirumala limniace
#4 - agreed with CP, Common Duffer
#5 - Symbrenthia hypselis
#6 - same butt as #5? The underside match Symbrenthia lilaea
#8 - closer will be Seseria formosana
#9 - Polygonia c-album
#19 - not sure
#24 = #16, worn out I guess
Btw, your ID after #16 all appeared without space between the genus & species name?
And finallly, we got a photo of Hypolimnas misippus for the checklist ;-)
11-Sep-2007, 10:58 PM
Federick, CP,SC and Aaron thanks for dropping by and your ID suggestion.
CP, I don't think #24 is the same species as #16 as it is much smaller and markings look different too.
Aaron - I couldn't find species Limentis sulpita in my guide books. Can you provide a link or name of ref book, thx.
SC, I have included space between genus & species name as suggested.
11-Sep-2007, 11:55 PM
#3 same as #2 - Tirumala limniace
#4 - agreed with CP, Common Duffer
#5 - Symbrenthia hypselis
#6 - same butt as #5? The underside match Symbrenthia lilaea
#8 - closer will be Seseria formosana
#9 - Polygonia c-album
#19 - not sure
#24 = #16, worn out I guess
Btw, your ID after #16 all appeared without space between the genus & species name?
And finallly, we got a photo of Hypolimnas misippus for the checklist ;-) Symbrenthia hypselis ( a very distinctive underside, unlike this one. The orange markings resemble a symbrenthia lilaea more closely.
Painted Jezebel
12-Sep-2007, 12:19 AM
For No 9, if you look very closely, you will just be able to pick out a tiny amount of pale blue colouring on the forewing upperside. This is Kaniska canace canace.
Common Mime
12-Sep-2007, 08:00 AM
Woah! Many nice photos!
Sky Blue
12-Sep-2007, 10:01 PM
#5 - Symbrenthia hypselis
#6 - same butt as #5? The underside match Symbrenthia lilaea
Symbrenthia hypselis ( a very distinctive underside, unlike this one. The orange markings resemble a symbrenthia lilaea more closely.yup, that's why I asked BJ whether #6 is the same butt as #5. The marking on #5 match those of S. hypselis
For No 9, if you look very closely, you will just be able to pick out a tiny amount of pale blue colouring on the forewing upperside. This is Kaniska canace canace.
Thanks Les for pointing out :grin2:
Sky Blue
15-Sep-2007, 09:57 PM
some early stage photos of Ladoga sulpitia (, the larva looks so wired.
Sky Blue
15-Sep-2007, 10:32 PM
Symbrenthia hypselis ( a very distinctive underside, unlike this one. The orange markings resemble a symbrenthia lilaea more closely.
yup, that's why I asked BJ whether #6 is the same butt as #5. The marking on #5 match those of S. hypselis
On further check, both #5 & #6 are having the more prominent pointed tail at hindwings, so I think they're the same species.
But the problem is, take a look on this photo ( & the web page (, you will know why i puzzle abt the ID :mad2:
The ID key (can some one help to translate pls): 姬黃三線蝶翅背有三條橙色帶狀斑紋,但上翅中室內的橙色條紋連續不中斷,而黃三線蝶此條紋中斷 成兩部分。
16-Sep-2007, 12:41 AM
thx Les & SC. Give me sometimes to check my archive and I'll come back to you guys, thx! & :cheers:
16-Sep-2007, 03:19 PM
On further check, both #5 & #6 are having the more prominent pointed tail at hindwings, so I think they're the same species.
But the problem is, take a look on this photo ( & the web page (, you will know why i puzzle abt the ID :mad2:
The ID key (can some one help to translate pls): 姬黃三線蝶翅背有三條橙色帶狀斑紋,但上翅中室內的橙色條紋連續不中斷,而黃三線蝶此條紋中斷 成兩部分。 Ya hor, but this jester has one small spot at the apex and s. hypselis on u'r webpage does not. Translation: S. hypselis has three orange bands but the bands r continuous unlike s. lilaea in which da bands r divided into 2.
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