View Full Version : Caprona agama agama
Painted Jezebel
11-Sep-2007, 01:12 PM
Very quiet lately, but this pretty little Flat, Caprona agama agama (Spotted Angle) turned up this morning. It appears that it is reaching the southernmost part of its range here, as it is not to be found in Malaysia. A female, I believe.
274 (new record is Tagiades litigiosus litigiosus)
Peacock Royal
11-Sep-2007, 01:48 PM
Ya, a beautiful Flat indeed
One of the best shots you have taken.:cheers:
11-Sep-2007, 04:34 PM
Looks like all the pratice you had during the 'off butt' period is paying off.
Painted Jezebel
11-Sep-2007, 05:28 PM
Thank you, Frederick, Richard. I must admit, I thought it was one of my better ones, definately one for the website when I EVENTUALLY get it up and running. Why some pics come out well, while others don't is a mystery to me, as I don't do anything different from one shot to another.:thinking:
11-Sep-2007, 06:02 PM
Ha Ha that's the fun part. Guessing which shot will turn out well and which will not. All newbies with DSLR go through this stage first and then lo and behold they start churning out great shots. There's alot to learn when switching from a Piont and Shoot camera to a DSLR. First try to shoot away from the 'auto' mode. Used 'aperture priority' to work on the Depth of Field (DOF). Make sure you have enough speed to hand hold the shot, if not up the ISO. Your 350D can easily shoot at ISO800 with very little noise. Check the exposure in the view finder. There is a small bar with an indicator. Make sure this indicator is in the '0' position or slightly below. Try this Les, and post some pics using this mode.
Painted Jezebel
11-Sep-2007, 06:48 PM
Thanks Richard. Actualy, the only thing I'm not doing is using ISO800, I was using ISO1600, as I am trying to photo moving objects. However, thinking about it, the butts I shoot are resting, so I will reduce down to 800. I'm also using f4.5. for a large aperture opening. Is that right? I really don't understand the Manual at all!
It will be a few days before I post anything new, as I have another VISA trip to Malaysia, and won't be back till Friday. Hopefully, only one more after this one.
11-Sep-2007, 08:16 PM
Best to shoot around f8. Confortable speed for hand hold especially with the kit lens, I believe, 18-55mm, is around 1/125. This is a fairly short lens. If you're using a long lens of 70-300mm. then you need to shoot around 1/250 and above. From the look I'll say your shots are slightly over. Check the exposure first before taking the shots. Lighting changes all the time in the forest.
Glorious Begum
11-Sep-2007, 08:56 PM
wow, a beautiful butt and very well taken too. :cheers: for you.
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