View Full Version : A Pygmy posy & Branded Imperial

07-Oct-2007, 05:54 PM
Observed this unusual act @CCA yesterday. A Pygmy posy was trying to mate with a Com posy and a Branded imperial and eventually it mated with the BI as shown.

Not sure how the 'kids' going to look like :thinking:

07-Oct-2007, 06:03 PM
A real horny pygmy posy.:bsmile:

The Pygmy is male the BI female!

Branded Imperial + Pygmy Posy =Branded Pygmy Imperial / Branded Pygmy Posy???:thinking:

07-Oct-2007, 08:17 PM
That's like crazy, i mean, r they too promiscuous or what.:sweat: If this happens in nature, the offspring would likely be infertile. Bcoz of this rare encounter, i suggest u bag the BI up with foodplants of both branded n pygmy(oh, wait. Pygmy foodplant is unknown). It would be such a waste if u miss this opportunity to see wat the offspring would turn out. Like the way the pygmy extende his " thing" to the BI. Find him a little retarded.:sweat:Cn see the CP trying to interfere in the 2nd pic. Y do u think he chose the BI instead of the CP?:hmmm: :bsmile:

Sky Blue
07-Oct-2007, 11:48 PM
Interesting... my understanding is that structure of the sex organ can be very specific to prevent cross species breeding, in this case I guess their organ will be similar. Not sure whether C&P4 illustrate the diff or not :thinking:

08-Oct-2007, 08:17 AM
Butt hybrids happen rarely in nature( e.g. genus callicore). From my understanding, closely related spp can interbreed. However, the female butt can choose whether to accept the sperm or not. They have smthn to prevent sperm from fertilising their eggs.