View Full Version : Strange day!

Painted Jezebel
18-Oct-2007, 10:16 AM
I don't know what I expected, but it was my own fault. If one visits the rain forest during the rainy season, one should be ready for rain! I got drenched.

Yet the day had started nice and sunny. As soon as I arrived at the survey site, the clouds came over. 100 metres up the trail the rain started and lasted all the way to the top, the 2 hours I stayed there and the entire walk down again. As soon as I reached the bottom, the sun came out again.

And so did the butts! Withing 5 minutes I had taken so many pics, it will take me a couple of days to sort them out. Managed a +2, photographic wise, including a +1 for the survey, Unkana ambasa attina (Hoary Palmer), a female which i show below. The reddish background is, in fact an umbrella! Has anyone mentioned the red proboscis before, most unusual?

My other new one, photo wise was Hebomoia glaucippe, two days after telling Wenche that I could not get a photo of the thing!. This one appears to be ssp. H. g. glaucippe, so I will need to look carefully at any specimen I come across, as it appears to be yet another species where we have two ssp, on the Island.


18-Oct-2007, 10:33 AM

Congratulation on the +2!

Excellent shots ! Looks like you are getting a hang of your new lens!

Passing showers in a hot day sometimes do wonders to the number butterflies appearing, especially if the sun shine brightly after the showers.

Had the same experience before, thought the day was ruined but was rewarded with a great number of butterflies.


Painted Jezebel
18-Oct-2007, 10:43 AM
Thanks Sunny. I had hoped that the sun would come out when I was at the top so I could walk down the trail with the butts about. There are some UFO Arhopala I want to get know on a more intimate basis!;-)


18-Oct-2007, 02:12 PM
Interesting red proboscis of the HP.

Peacock Royal
18-Oct-2007, 03:21 PM
Interesting bg on the HP shot.
I encountered before that after rain and there was sunshine, butts were out in full force.

Common Mime
18-Oct-2007, 03:21 PM
Keep going to hit 333 soon!

Seems like KS is having the same sort of weather like in Singapore. :(

Rain heavily for 10 mins and the sun is out right after the rain.