View Full Version : CCA 24 Dec 07

24-Dec-2007, 06:05 PM
Went to CCA for a stroll to look for better shots of Raffles' Oakblue, but none was sighted.
Instead I was rewarded with the sighting of another two worn specimens of male A. trogon (pics 1 and 2, distant shots), and my +1 of Lance Sergeant (pics 3 and 4). All were sighted at the same spot along the trail.

24-Dec-2007, 06:12 PM
Congrats on your +1. Your X'mas present. :grin2:

The Sergeants seem to be missing in action, particularly Athyma reta moorei. It's been quite a long time since I saw one. The occasional A. kanwa and A. asura (just saw one at SBWR but not a good shot of it), make the other species besides the more common Colour Sergeant.

You seem to attract the Arhopalas more than most of us.

24-Dec-2007, 06:17 PM
Congrats on your +1. Your X'mas present. :grin2:

The Sergeants seem to be missing in action, particularly Athyma reta moorei. It's been quite a long time since I saw one. The occasional A. kanwa and A. asura (just saw one at SBWR but not a good shot of it), make the other species besides the more common Colour Sergeant.

You seem to attract the Arhopalas more than most of us.

Thanks, Khew for the congrats. The Sergeants are hard to come by for me too. This Lance Sergeant is only my third species of Sergeant in my record.

As for A. trogon, I must thank two joggers who ran past me and frightened the butts into rapid flights across the trail. Otherwise, they were virtually undetectable when resting among the foilage.

Peacock Royal
24-Dec-2007, 06:56 PM
Horace, congrats on your +1.
I have taken a few strolls along the MNT in the past few weeks but somehow just didn't have the luck to spot the A. trogon.:embrass:

24-Dec-2007, 09:41 PM
Horace, congrats on your +1.
I have taken a few strolls along the MNT in the past few weeks but somehow just didn't have the luck to spot the A. trogon.:embrass:
Thanks, Federick.
It is a matter of time you run into one of them. Many of my strolls were fruitless in terms of butts sightings too.

Sky Blue
24-Dec-2007, 11:19 PM
Congrats on your +1 as well, I guess this is quite a rare butt(?), at least still absent from my own list ;-)

25-Dec-2007, 12:27 AM
Congrats on your +1 as well, I guess this is quite a rare butt(?), at least still absent from my own list ;-)
Thanks, Soon Chye.
I suppose Lance Sergeant is relatively rare, judging from the infrequent sightings reported in this forum over the past year.

25-Dec-2007, 03:32 AM
Very pristine lance sergeant.