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View Full Version : Hypolycaena thecloides thecloides

02-Jan-2008, 12:24 AM
Something from 2007. This one was cooperative enough to open its wings to sunbathe. Pity that it's a bit worn out already. Shot at SBWR.

02-Jan-2008, 11:00 AM
Is there any difference in male & female on the upperside?

02-Jan-2008, 11:17 AM
Is there any difference in male & female on the upperside?

Not sure about that. Haven't seen enough of this species but I'd say that there should be some slight differences. This site (http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~EY4Y-TKNM/Theclinae-Phil/Hypolycaena.html) shows the Philippines subspecies, where there are subtle differences.

After looking at the pictures again, I realise why this specimen that I shot was behaving so strangely. It seems to keep slipping off its perch a few times and trying hard to balance itself. It has lost its legs, except for two! No wonder it was trying hard to hold on whenever it lands. :sweat:

03-Jan-2008, 06:18 PM
After looking at the pictures again, I realise why this specimen that I shot was behaving so strangely. It seems to keep slipping off its perch a few times and trying hard to balance itself. It has lost its legs, except for two! No wonder it was trying hard to hold on whenever it lands. :sweat: Thx Mr Khew. How did it haf only 2 legs? Doesn't look like predation to me.