View Full Version : ButterflyCircle revolution?

Common Mime
11-Jan-2008, 12:20 AM
Notice this trend that merely photography of the butterflies is no longer enough to satisfy ButterflyCircle's member's thirst to know more about these flying jewels.

That's where we have quite a number of good and hardworking cat farmers here especially Horace, LC Goh, Sunny and Soon Chye plus the rare butt attracter, BJ. Even the new member like Bobby and the old bird, Federick are good in farming :thumbsup: .

Really happy to see so many cat farmers in this ButterflyCircle. Hope that everyone can keeps this up and help BetterflyCircle be the leading butterfly forums in this region!

My hat off to you guys!

Cheers! :cheers:

Peacock Royal
11-Jan-2008, 12:31 AM
Yes, agree with CM. :cheers:
After a while, we must move on from just shooting adult butts to shooting and documenting the life cycle.
I am still learning. But slowly and surly, I will have many pluses for life history.

11-Jan-2008, 11:41 PM
Hi CM,

It should be evolution (not revolution). ;-)

Common Mime
11-Jan-2008, 11:46 PM
Thanks for the correction, CP.

Pardon my poor English. :embrass:

Anyway, how have you been and it has been long time we see your comments or photos here :cool: