View Full Version : Usr 23-02-08

Cigaritis wong
23-Feb-2008, 05:49 PM
Greeted us 1st at the carpark is the purple duke which we initially mistook it as a moth as it kept its wings opened.




Thanks to our 2 newcomers, Terry and Vincent, we managed to get our 1st shots of the elusive Dark Blue Jungle Glory.


Arhopala Athada Athada


Common Mime
23-Feb-2008, 06:23 PM
Good shot of the open winged Purple Duke!

Seems like all the newbie got their Dark Blue Jungle Glory,...

23-Feb-2008, 07:52 PM

Nice shot of the DBJG and rare shot of open wing Purple Duke.


Good shot of the open winged Purple Duke!

Seems like all the newbie got their Dark Blue Jungle Glory,...


It is the DBJG season ,......beg , bluff , do whatever ....to get visa from wifey to head out there ....... chances are great , spotted 2 of them the week before at the usual place at USR.

Common Mime
23-Feb-2008, 09:00 PM

It is the DBJG season ,......beg , bluff , do whatever ....to get visa from wifey to head out there ....... chances are great , spotted 2 of them the week before at the usual place at USR.

:bsmile: :bsmile: I was almost (90%) headed to USR this afternoon and the 10% hold me back, which I suspect I exposed too long under the hot sun enjoying your fighters show at CEC yesterday and I am now pretty sick. :-( weak huh? :embrass:

Peacock Royal
23-Feb-2008, 09:50 PM
Nice and good open wing shot. Lovely DBJG shot also.

23-Feb-2008, 10:30 PM
no. 2 of the purple duke is very nice!
Nice DBJG as well :)

24-Feb-2008, 09:16 AM
nice DBJG.... :)...
i see you posted lots of pics of your temp gf for the day.. heee

24-Feb-2008, 09:54 AM
Terry that one is a male purple duke.. hehe