View Full Version : Common Red Flash

23-Mar-2008, 11:12 PM
A shot of the upperside of a female Common Red Flash for reference. Sunny's got truckloads of the male's upperside shots already. A bit worn out though... ;P

Common Mime
24-Mar-2008, 06:57 AM
Did you shoot this with D3 or 1D3? (you love 3 a lot huh?)

I see some dust spots liao, hopt it is not from the D3. ;P

24-Mar-2008, 09:05 AM
This one's taken with the D3.

Got additional dust bunnies that came with the new cam mah... more value for money. :bsmile:

24-Mar-2008, 07:34 PM
Thanks for sharing, have not seen a red flash before. I think this upper wing shot is really sharp. Can never get sufficient DOF to cover the whole wing. Any tips on that?


31-Mar-2008, 02:36 PM
Wow nice and sharp!

Bene, just watch ur angle and for open wing shots, try to set a smaller aperture, like ard F/8 onwards, and you'll get it sharp enough. For urself with a 1.6 crop factor, it could be easier with more DOF at the expense of a less creamy bokeh. I shot the exact same fellow at F/10 IIRC posted a few weeks back :)