View Full Version : Common Birdwing and CITES

24-Mar-2008, 11:25 AM
To all BC members,

Please note that there have been reports of 'photographers' helping themselves to the pupae of the Common Birdwing at Alexandra Hospital Butterfly Trail. I hope that none of BC members are involved. AH is considered a private property, so please be mindful that you can be charged if you are caught taking anything out of the premises.

Rosalind of AH reported that she met a group of 5 photographers who claimed that they were an "independent group" not associated with BC, BIG, NPS or NSS.

Of all the Singapore species, the Common Birdwing is listed under the CITES (http://www.cites.org) list. Singapore is a signatory to the CITES in Nov 1986 and the AVA (http://www.ava.gov.sg) is the enforcement agency. Please read about the regulation here (http://www.ava.gov.sg/AnimalsPetSector/CITESEndangeredSpecies/).

Please note that you can be prosecuted under the laws of CITES if you are in possession of this particular species without a permit.

24-Mar-2008, 07:37 PM
:nono: Thats not a good sign.

Thanks for letting us know, we can also keep a look out.


25-Mar-2008, 12:52 PM
Khew ,

Thanks for the report .

Message has been posted at Sharing a Few butterflies Part IV (http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?t=361518) and CS macro section (http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?t=362561) to warn other shooters who might not be members of any of the groups .

All Members , please read and strictly follow the Code of Conduct (http://b-pals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6731) for the Breeding of Caterpillars .

There are several senior members here that have permits from Nparks for the collection , and breeding of cats from Parks and Nature Reserves . Be reminded that only these members with permits are legally allowed to do so.


25-Mar-2008, 03:19 PM
Thanks for the cross-announcements in CS, Sunny. :thumbsup:

25-Mar-2008, 06:49 PM

You posted a mating pair of Ambon Onyx on the finger tips at "Sharing a Few Butterflies Part III" (http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d88/blurboiboi/P3080492_resize.jpg) I think you should go and clarify with this poster's feedback , on the circumstances that led to the pair ended up on someone's finger tip, so as not to put yourself and ButterflyCircle in bad light.

He has made the same comment of manhandling of butterflies in NPS 2 weeks back , and I had told him to talk to the poster direct to find out how it came about. His preference in referring to the picture in the open, instead of clarifying with you first should be answered.

The thread is here (http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/showthread.php?t=362561)

Leong23 (http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/member.php?u=54820) http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/images/cs2008/statusicon/user_online.gif vbmenu_register("postmenu_3876471", true);
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 533

http://forums.clubsnap.com/images/icons/icon1.gif Re: Important Notice to Photographers visiting AHBT
It is a matter of time that such things will happen, as more and more people are into nature macro-photography. Many people, especially novice are desperate to have a good shot be it butterflies, spider or beetle. Happen that butterfly photography is growing in a rapid speed.

Maybe it is a good wake up call for all nature photographers whom are active in CS to discourage such action, such as collecting and man-handle of insect.

I do see shots of butterflies and spider photographed on a person hand or finger, lots of praise are given, even by senior CSers. Are we promoting such action or are we misleading the others, that lead to more extreme action like the above-mentioned?

Hope that those nature photographers whom had a greater influence in CS should discourage such photo to be posted.

I do before, post comments on two posting of man handling of jumping spider in CS, and warned in particular posting that many such events will follows, but it is useless as the poster were blinded with praises all around.

Just me 2 cents
NikonD300, 50f1.4,85f1.8,85PC&200Micro,300f4,500f8,35-70f2.8,18-200VR,sig70-200f2.8,10-20,Tam90Micro
Last edited by Leong23 : 35 Minutes Ago at 05:09 PM.