View Full Version : For the Newbies

20-Apr-2008, 11:49 PM
This one is found at MNT, Sime Forest and Chestnut area... for the newbies who want a +1, they are in season... quickly go chiong and get it. :)

21-Apr-2008, 12:10 AM
Guess this got to wait till after exams! :mad2: Another 10 more days to go. By the way what is the name of this butt? Have not seen this before. I've encountered an influx of butterflies hovering at a flowering tree just below my block. Easily spotted 4-5 yellow emigrant & 7-10 painted jessy. If only i've got a 300mm with 2x i can shoot it at the kitchen area. :bsmile:

Quickly chiong get it is so tempting....:mad2:

21-Apr-2008, 01:13 AM
This looks more like a day flying moth. Pardon me if i'm wrong.

Common Mime
21-Apr-2008, 09:17 AM
The Commander is trying to be funny? :sweat: :blah:

Common Mime
21-Apr-2008, 09:20 AM
Hmmm,... So many new species these days? :bsmile:
Guess this got to wait till after exams! :mad2: Another 10 more days to go. By the way what is the name of this butt? Have not seen this before. I've encountered an influx of butterflies hovering at a flowering tree just below my block. Easily spotted 4-5 yellow emigrant & 7-10 painted jessy. If only i've got a 300mm with 2x i can shoot it at the kitchen area. :bsmile:

Quickly chiong get it is so tempting....:mad2:

21-Apr-2008, 09:20 AM
Did I say a +1 for butts? And this is posted in the Lepidoptera - General Discussion Forums... :prrr:

21-Apr-2008, 08:12 PM
All these are confusing me. :hmmm: :hmmm:

I always call the Lemon emigrant as yellow emigrant as it's yellowish in flight but i know it's wrong to rename it. So from now, it's lemon emigrant.

Thanks for the correction.


Painted Jezebel
21-Apr-2008, 08:44 PM
Try to learn the biological names. They are the only ones that are recognised throughout the world. Use the local names and 95% of people will not know what you are talking about!

It will take time, I know, but in the end it obviates all confusion.

21-Apr-2008, 11:50 PM
Saw this moth today too but I was not fast enough to take a shot. So no +1 for me. :cry:

22-Apr-2008, 12:10 AM
Yes i will try to learn their biological names after i start dumping my 'HDD' from all the fishes biological name. Too much to input and i will start mixing their names.

Give me some time :bsmile: