View Full Version : Common Mormon forms

12-May-2008, 11:53 AM
Federick, since you asked. In my blog article (http://butterflycircle.blogspot.com/2008/04/swallowtails-of-singapore.html), I only featured the female form-polytes which resembles the Common Rose. The other female, form-cyrus looks like the male, except that it typically has longer tails as well as a red tornal spot in space 1a on the upperside of the hindwing. Do look out for it when you are observing the Common Mormons.

Excerpt from the blog : "The female is polymorphic in Malaysia and Singapore, with the form-cyrus resembling the male but has a red tornal spot in space 1a on the upperside of the hindwing. The female form-polytes resembles the Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris) but her black abdomen (as opposed to the Common Rose's red abdomen) instantly gives her away."

Great Mormon
05-Mar-2010, 07:40 PM
Digging up this old thread, heres a confirmed P.p. romulus -f cyrus, caught her mating, unfortunately, they disengaged before a picture could be taken.

Heres the male: you can see the "male thing" quite distinctly

And here is the female:

05-Mar-2010, 11:48 PM
Good shot, Ant. :thumbsup:

Peacock Royal
06-Mar-2010, 12:33 AM
Wow, valuable shots. :thumbsup:

06-Mar-2010, 05:16 AM
But in this case both have the red lunule:hmmm:

Great Mormon
06-Mar-2010, 11:48 AM
Thanks Fed, Khew.

Aaron... i got another pair of males here, one with and without the red lunule. The male clasper could be seen in the 2nd photo. With reference to the earlier post, the female has a 2nd pair of lunules...

