View Full Version : MacRitchis again 4/6

Painted Jezebel
07-Jun-2008, 02:57 PM
No organised trip, so I went on my own back to MacRitchie to try to get a better shot of the Jacoona and also find Arhopala trogon. Had no luck, but found others which made the trip worthwhile.

1) Terinos terpander robertsia (Royal Assyrian) - Also got upperwing shot but too blurred!
2) Mystery Arhopala 1. I think it may be A. amphimuta, as I managed a shot showing a bit of the upperside, and the black border is very thin. Could someone please advise.
3) Mystery Arhopala 2. No idea what this is and can not find anything close in my books. I believe someone has photographed this before. Again could someone advise. Sorry for the quality, but I need to know ID.


Painted Jezebel
07-Jun-2008, 03:06 PM

And finally some UFOs taken during the week:

1) A Lancer, but which one? Shot at Boardwalk, MacRitchie
2) A Potanthus sp. Shot at Boardwalk, MacRitchie
3&4) Another Potanthus sp. Shot at the Semanga site.

IDs would be greatly appreciated if poss.

THERE, all photos now processed!:gbounce:

07-Jun-2008, 03:20 PM
Lascar looks like malayan lascar.

Painted Jezebel
07-Jun-2008, 03:39 PM
Sorry, just found another UFO Lascar. Forewings look dofferent from the one posted earlier(also taken at MacRitchie).

07-Jun-2008, 04:42 PM
This one's a common lascar.:grin2:

13-Oct-2008, 12:09 PM

And finally some UFOs taken during the week:

1) A Lancer, but which one? Shot at Boardwalk, MacRitchie
2) A Potanthus sp. Shot at Boardwalk, MacRitchie
3&4) Another Potanthus sp. Shot at the Semanga site.

IDs would be greatly appreciated if poss.

THERE, all photos now processed!:gbounce:

Your UFO Lascar looks similar to the L. ??? I am working on now.

Painted Jezebel
14-Oct-2008, 08:44 AM
Your UFO Lascar looks similar to the L. ??? I am working on now.

Thanks, Horace. It does, rather, doesn't it. I'll have to move those files back to my 'unknown' section for a while.