View Full Version : An accidental +1

21-Jul-2008, 12:59 AM
I was walking around one of our recent favourite shooting spots when I saw this not unusual boring brown skipper perched on a leaf. I was wondering whether it was the normal Contiguous Swift or not.

I shot it anyway, and even managed to use a tripod to shoot. ;P

When reviewing the shots, I noticed a couple of shots where it had jumped and showed its forewing spots. That's when I realised that this is not the usual common bugger that we normally encounter. A closer scrutiny confirmed that this is a Pugnacious Lancer (Pemara pugnas pugnans) and one which I had encountered many years back at NSP. Horace recently shot one too.

Oh well, a +1 nevertheless, even though it looks ordinary like anything... ;P

Pugnacious Lancer perched on a leaf

Left view of the same Pugnacious Lancer

Jumping Pugnacious Lancer due to flash. Compare the spots with the specimen on Plate 37 Fig 1

Another blur jumping shot

21-Jul-2008, 01:08 AM
Wow. Great find!

Congrats for a rare +1. :cheers:

21-Jul-2008, 01:09 AM
Why i can't see any pictures??

21-Jul-2008, 01:14 AM
Looks like FireFox got problems with this version of VB. :thinking:

21-Jul-2008, 01:22 AM
Firefox can't view, safari too. :confused:

21-Jul-2008, 01:41 AM

I look for it high and low and you found it by accident!

Looks like I have to go after it now!:grin2:

same here seems like some bugs on java script of firefox on this version of Vbulletin. IE can view .

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

21-Jul-2008, 01:43 AM
I still can't see anything. I don't have any software to view it. :confused:

Even if i can't view, still have to congrats on the plus one!:bsmile:


21-Jul-2008, 09:24 AM
I still can't see anything. I don't have any software to view it. :confused:

Even if i can't view, still have to congrats on the plus one!:bsmile:

Thanks, Bene. You don't have IE7?

Wow. Great find!
Congrats for a rare +1. :cheers:

It didn't look like a potential +1 when I first saw it. Just one of those brown fellas perched on a leaf.


I look for it high and low and you found it by accident!

Looks like I have to go after it now!:grin2:

I believe the host plant is one of those bamboos or gingers nearby. This one looked fresh and recently eclosed.

Take a look at your brown skipper UFO shots. The sub-apical spots are different from the common brown skippers that we usually encounter as shown in the attached figure. Maybe you've already shot this before but didn't know! :) (like the Jamides which I shot some time back!) :embrass:

Peacock Royal
21-Jul-2008, 09:42 AM
Congrats, Khew.
Must dig out my old shots and check again.

Painted Jezebel
21-Jul-2008, 09:47 AM
A +1 for the Master!!!! That is a rare event. Congrats SK.

Leopard Lacewing
21-Jul-2008, 09:49 AM
Congratulation for the +1. :cheers:


21-Jul-2008, 10:28 AM
A +1 for the Master!!!! That is a rare event. Congrats SK.

:bsmile: But just a boring brown job... Thanks.

Congrats, Khew.
Must dig out my old shots and check again.

There are probably quite a few more to discover/re-discover. Haven't updated those few that Horace and Soon Chye/Kalesh pointed out yet. Material for an upcoming blog article.

Congratulation for the +1. :cheers:


21-Jul-2008, 11:00 AM
Yes i don't have IE & have never used IE for the past few years already. Guess it's time to download.


Great Mormon
21-Jul-2008, 11:36 AM
Grads on the +1!
this skipper to have furry wings!

21-Jul-2008, 06:27 PM
U r very lucky Mr Khew! Another one for the checklist!:redbounce