View Full Version : What a surprise!

Painted Jezebel
09-Sep-2008, 08:46 PM
I must admit that I am thoroughly fed up with the saga of the Zebra Blue (Leptotes plinius) and that I can only find it at the International Departure Lounge of the Airport. I mentioned this to a friend, who recommended a new area for me to go to nearthe airport. It proved hopeless for the Zebra!

HOWEVER, I was very surprised, and happy, to come across this species, The Black-Spotted Grass Blue (Famegana alsulus). According to my records, this has only been found in Thailand twice before (the first time on 4 July 2006).

I do not think any of you have seen this species before (please advise me to the contrary),

09-Sep-2008, 09:02 PM
We don't have anything like this down south. Quite an interesting fella isn't he? Totally featureless undersides except for that black spot...

Painted Jezebel
09-Sep-2008, 09:08 PM
Absolutely, boring really (the upperside is nice, but I could not get a photo of that, yet)! There were some kassandras around, and I needed to get extra photos of those. It was only by accident that I saw these (its the same size).

Anyway, my first new species for 5 months, and I am a very happy bunny!:redbounce (at last).

Common Mime
09-Sep-2008, 10:13 PM
Congrats for the plus one, Les.

It is not boring but rather pretty. Simple and nice!

Glorious Begum
09-Sep-2008, 10:42 PM
congrats on your +1 species. It is really beautiful. :cheers:

Sky Blue
09-Sep-2008, 10:56 PM
You sound really happy Les! Additional motivation :)

10-Sep-2008, 12:18 AM
Yo Les,

Nice little cute fellow that you have captured.

I can imagine the grin of the very Happy Bunny!

A cyber toast for the +1 !:cheers:

Great Mormon
10-Sep-2008, 12:26 AM
Yo Les,

Nice little cute fellow that you have captured.

I can imagine the grin of the very Happy Bunny!

A cyber toast for the +1 !:cheers:
cheers les! :cheers:

Painted Jezebel
10-Sep-2008, 09:05 AM
Thanks everyone for the encouragement, I really needed it. I must admit that my enthusiasm has been waning since I got back from CH. Cloudy, windy and rainy every day, with only the tiniest glimpse of sun, and I so need my daily overdose of Vitamin D!:cry: I think the rainy season has arrived early this year.

10-Sep-2008, 10:24 AM
This is so great, this fella has nothing except for a dot. it look pristine too.

Congrats on the +1, i'm sure you're elated!

keep the the great effort! :thumbsup:


Leopard Lacewing
10-Sep-2008, 10:33 AM
Congratulation for +1, Les!
It looks nice and neat with just a dot :bsmile:


Peacock Royal
10-Sep-2008, 10:47 AM
Les, congrats on your +1. I am sure more to come.
I call this beauty of simplicity.